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It took a long time for everything to get sorted out.

Summoning all the evil spirits, making sure Hana and So Mun were all right, clearing up the traces of evidence from them being here, it took them hours until when they went back to the hideout when it was two in the morning.

Exhausted, she ended up falling asleep in the car wearing the same clothes she's had on all day. Yes, it was uncomfortable, but Hana couldn't stay awake even if she needed too.

She laid her head on So Mun's shoulder, and he lightly tapped her hand for comfort as he turned his head to face her. Her face was bruised, and her lip had a cut along with the side of her head.

He kisses her head softly as he watched the night sky through the window. It was obviously dark because it was way past midnight, so he couldn't really see anything else besides street lamps.

When they arrived at the hideout, So Mun carried Hana in his arms as she clung onto him even though she was still asleep. He brought her to her room as he softly put her down, wrapping her in blankets before walking to the door.

Closing it, he says, "Goodnight, Noona."


It's been about a week since the event at the warehouse. The counters haven't had time to relax as life had been pushing them further, which meant that Hana and So Mun hadn't had the chance to talk to each other.

Until tonight.

The other counters were out of town meeting up with some of Jangmuls friends. Not wanting to be involved with those parties, the duo refused to go and just stayed back instead.

Which left the two of them alone. Together.

Hana was finishing up washing the dishes when she heard the sound of So Mun's footsteps approaching the kitchen. She turned off the water and turned around to find him standing there, hands in his pockets with his hair and t-shirt wet due to him showering.

"Hey," He spoke, breaking the silence. "I was wondering if we could, yknow..talk."

She noticed how he was kind of tensed up and uneasy. "About what?"

"About the other day," He said. "When we argued and I yelled at you."

She moved toward the counter, slightly laying back so her arms were grabbing the edge.

"I wanted to apologize for that,"

She tries to reason with him, "So Mun-"

"Noona, no. Let me talk."

He seems serious, so she doesn't speak. She nods her head as indication to go on.

He deeply breaths, "I didn't mean to yell at you that day. Yes, I was confused and still am but I had no reason to snap at you and accuse you of not actually liking me."

He looks up at her and continues. "After what happened the night after, I should've known that you actually liked me. What happened that day two years ago was two years ago, and alot of things have changed since then. I'm so sorry."

"It was only after I saw your face when I realized what I had done. But frankly, being the stupid person I am, instead of apologizing, I just ran away, like I always do."

So Mun was about to bow as an apology, but he felt her hand stop his shoulder. "It's okay,"

"No it's not, I literally-"

"You had every reason to be mad." Hana spoke quietly. "I never explained why I said those things about you, did I?"

He shook his head no.

"It's because that day, I woke up in a bad mood for some reason. Probably because I didn't get alot of sleep the previous night. So when Ms. Chu kept bugging and bugging me about my feelings towards you, I snapped and said stuff I didn't mean.

Even afterwards, I went to my room and realized I should've not snapped at her because not only was that rude, I knew I had feelings for you at the time so saying those things wasn't good. I forgot about that day as time passed, until you brought it up again."

She held his hands in hers. "I'm sorry So Mun. You didn't deserve to hear those words from me. You didn't deserve..."

He wrapped her in a hug and her face was in the crook of his neck. "I still love you, i've always loved you. There's not a single doubt in my mind when I say that." He looked back at her, eye to eye.

"I saved you the day at the warehouse for a reason, I would do stupid stuff to prove it,"

"You already have," She has to look up at him to speak, especially because he's infront of her while she's against the counter. "I love you too."

So Mun, feeling bold, wants to mess with her. To see what she would do when he gives her a chance to show him, show him how much she actually loves him.

He takes two steps away from her, and acts like he's about to walk away.

"Prove it then, Noona."

Before he gets a chance to even turn around, Hana pulls the collar of his shirt and kisses him passionately, connecting their lips once more.

Her hands cup the sides of his face as his hands wrap around her waist, pressing their bodies together.

She makes it so that he has no choice but to deepen their kiss, lighting a fire inside of him.

When they pull away, their both breathing heavily and looking right at each other.

"Let me show you," Hana says, "How much I love you."

So Mun grins as he picks her up to sit on the counter so now their at the same height. She kisses him again, but this time it was open-mouthed.

She doesn't know how long they were kissing for, but it lasted a long time for sure.

He runs his fingers through her hair soothingly while she grabs onto his hair harshly; And each time she pulls a curl too hard, he moans into her mouth.

So Mun licks her lips, "I licked them. So their mine."

They stay in that position, looking at each other with tension and desire.

They kiss again, and he hears her whisper against his lips, "I want you."

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