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"So Mun... stay with me,"

He was half conscious and barely able to hear anything correctly at all; He couldn't even open his eyes properly, so he just had to go based off touch and feelings.

He felt alot of pain, mostly in his arm and stomach. He knew he had been healed by Ms. Chu because he recognized the tingling feeling by now, but he could somewhat still feel some blood on his skin.

So Mun knew he was laying down on a bed because of the soft mattress and covers. He felt a blanket on top of his body, wrapping him up just in case he felt cold.

He felt another thing; Hana.

Besides knowing she was silently crying, she held him in her arms. His face was buried in her neck, as if they were cuddling together. (Technically speaking, they were at the very least.)

Her fingers with tracing the bones of his knuckles softly, as she was being careful. She heard him wince below her as he opened his eyes.


Hana choked out a sob. "So Mun,"

He quickly gave her a hug and held her tight which wasn't difficult because her arms were holding him already. "Do your eyes still sting?" He spoke so quietly, Hana had to focus so much to hear him. "That's the last thing I remember, you getting hurt before I felt myself get stabbed."

She shook her head no. How could he be so concerned about her right now? "Your the one that's more injured, how do you feel?"

"I only feel some pain," So Mun got stabbed twice, in his stomach and in his arm by the evil spirit. Not being able to see properly, Hana didn't know how critical his situation was until he heard Motak and Jeokbong yell in concern.

"Hana," Jeokbong stuttered. "So Mun's bleeding alot. He, he got stabbed, TWICE, oh my god!"

Yes, they had managed to summon the evil spirit. However, the other one had escaped.

On the car way back, while Ms. Chu was healing an unconscious So Mun, Hana sobbed for him, blaming herself for the state he was currently in.

"It's not your fault Hana, stop beating up yourself over it," Motak tried to comfort her at the best of his abilities, but nothing worked.

So, she stayed in his bed the entire time he was out unconscious; Everyone else visited here and there but Hana wouldn't leave him. She refused to not give him company.

She only got up three times, and that was to use the bathroom but even so, she made someone else look after him.

Hana was about to fall asleep too; She would've if So Mun hadn't woken up.

He separated their hug and had a good look at her. She was still crying a bit, and she had some untended wounds.

"Noona, why do you still have these?" His finger pointed to the side of her forehead.

Hana moved her head. "Oh, I didn't have time to treat them," She adjusted her body again, so that now she was sitting up on the bed. "I was too busy keeping you company."

Letting out a groan, he grabbed her waist and turned her around on the bed so now she was sitting against the frame. He was still in pain from earlier, after all.

She was beginning to speak but So Mun cut her off by holding his finger up to her lips and whispered in her ear, "I need to take care of you now, It's your turn. Now relax."

Hana shuddered before nodding. Satisfied, he grabbed a first aid kit from his drawer and took it out before opening it up.

So Mun carefully put ointment on a q-tip as he lightly dabbed it on her forehead, then her lip, and when he thought he was done, he heard her wince when she moved. Both of them looking down at her midriff, and when she pressed her hand against it, she winced again.

"There's a wound, isn't there?" He asked her.

She nodded.

"Can I, uhm, treat it?" The way he spoke reminded Hana when he was still a high schooler; Shy and nervous.

She slowly lifted up her shirt to reveal a wound on the left side of her stomach. So Mun grabbed a larger cotton swob and put ointment on it, repeating the same process he did earlier.

When he was almost done however, his cold hands came in contact with her skin, making her shiver. It didn't help that her mind instantly thought of another scenario where this could happen.

"Sorry," He apologized. "I know my hands are cold."

After he was done, he put everything away and laid down beside her. "There's something I want to tell you." She told him.

So Mun turned to face her and was met with her sympathetic eyes. "You don't need to hide your pain from me," She started.

"Let me actually take care of you, So Mun. I know how much you dont play around anymore, but take care of yourself at the very least if you don't want me to help you. I care about you more then you know, so I've always hated seeing you suffer."

She touched his forehead with hers, "I'm here for you, So Mun." He shut his eyes and felt her breath.

Why are you saying these things? Didn't you say a year ago i'm a lovesick puppy and that I bother you?

Without even realizing his hand had cupped her cheek and stroked his thumb on her face. Hana blushed at that, but didn't say anything.

"We should go to sleep," He whispered once he backed up a bit from her face. "We might have to do chores."

Hana nodded but as she went to stand up, she felt his firm grip on her wrist. "Stay with me, please."

Hearing his words, she laid down back on the bed again as she felt So Mun wrap a blanket around them two.

"Thank you." He said in her ear. He leaned over to turn off the lamp.

"Goodnight So Mun."

"Goodnight Noona."

Just as Hana was about to fall asleep, she felt his arms wrap around her waist and his head in the crook of her neck.

She didn't complain though. Instead, she turned around and hugged him back, her mouth right at his.

Feeling bold, So Mun gave her a peck on the lips.

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