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Easily, So Mun was able to throw a punch at Hana whenever the round started, successfully hitting her in the jaw.

He smirked at how easily she let down her guard. "Am I too strong for you now?" His teasing voice made her mad as she charged at him at full speed, resulting in him falling to the ground.

He was lying on his back spread out as Hana got on top of him; Which terrified him a little. She pushed his arms down on the mat to make sure he wasn't able to escape.

Fortunately, So Mun was able to grab her waist and slam it onto the floor, switching positions. He then punched her in the jaw once, twice, until he got up again.

Hana surprised him behind his back, kicking him the spine as she threw him halfway across the room.

He got up quickly, however being a bit dizzy he was having a hard time standing up properly. She saw this as a chance as she went to go kick him again, but missed. He dodged it just in the nick of time as he blocked it with his hand, resulting in Hana falling over.

They continued fighting each other for an hour or so until they called it quits. Both of their faces were badly bruised and covered and blood, so they both decided to wash up before they ate.

So Mun got out of the shower first and prepared their lunches together. He made some noodles for the both of them as he put the bowls on the table, cooling down so their mouth's won't burn.

He whipped out his phone as he waited for Hana to come join him, sighing as he ran his fingers over his hair. Was he really going insane over her? The woman he's liked for over two years now?

So Mun couldn't stop thinking of her, how she could easy kick an evil spirits ass, or how she would sometimes smile at him, or allow physical contact, god. He was going mad. Insane even.

Why, why, why did he have to hear Hana's confession to Ms. Chu that specific day?! If he never heard that, he would've surely taken his chances by now, and if she rejected him that also would've been fine, but--

His quick thoughts were interrupted when Hana had sat down across from him on the table, greeting him with a silent head bow. "Thanks for the noodles by the way."

He nodded as his response as they both ate their food without speaking to each other, due to both of them starving from the past hours training session.

When they were finished, Ms. Chu had a chore for them to do together;

"I want you guys to deliver these noodle packs to houses," She explained. "You guys can walk around since everyone lives close to each other, so you don't need the car."

They both agreed to the task, obviously. It's not like they could say no anyway; Plus, atleast he wasn't going to do it by himself.

..But it was going to be with Hana instead. Oh well. So Mun knew it would be better just to get it over with, so he quickly got all of his stuff as Hana led him to the neighborhood.


"So Mun, we only have these two houses left, now stop whining and come help me." Hana scoffed as she watched him slowly take out his phone to write down each noodle order they had.

"I'm not whining, i'm just absolutely burnt out from the training we did earlier," He rolled his eyes. "Plus, you look pretty tired too if you ask me."

Hana slightly slapped him on the arm as she went to go give a noodle order. Once she finished, she came back to their yard to meet with him again.

"You can quit acting now, it's getting tiring seeing you behave this way." Her remark made him laugh. "Acting?"

She nodded. "And stop hiding your emotions, your not good at it." She pointed at him as she went to go to the final house, but was shocked when she felt So Mun grab her wrist and brought her to the wall, pinning him infront of her.

"Me? I'm not good at hiding my feelings?" He whispered, barely making eye contact at her. "Is that true?" He quietly made a laughing sound that heard like he was trying to flirt with her.

"I'm not even sure at this point.." She struggled to give him a proper response back in fear, he was the one dominating her right now.

He let go of her as he smirked, his hand being removed from her sides. "That's what I suspected, Noona." He then walked away to the next house as if nothing had ever happened.

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