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Hana peacefully woke up in So Mun's arms the next morning, sharing his warmth with her.

The side of her cheek was pressed against his chest as she opened her eyes and saw the sunlight shine into his room.

Looking up at her boyfriend, she pressed a kiss on his jaw and watched him peacefully sleep. She stroked a curl, admiring how fluffy his hair was

How can he be so handsome while sleeping?

She was about to fall asleep again but felt his arms wrap around her waist, pulling her even closer to him.

"Good morning, love." So Mun said with his morning voice, still tired from last nights events. He made eye contact with her, and smiled even more.

Hana tried to hide her blushing face from him because of the way his voice was so gruffly. He still smelled like his cologne, and his shirt was so soft.

Her face heats up as he puts her on top of his chest, now making it so he has a clear view of her.

"Aw, am I making my girlfriend blush?" He teases her, stroking her hair with his fingers.

"Shut up." She laughs and leans down to kiss him. "It's only nine in the morning, I can't handle being bullied by you right now."

So Mun hugs her. "Alright alright, I'm sorry, I'll stop teasing you."

He looks at her with a small smile plastered on his face, then presses a kiss to her temple. "How did you sleep?"

She yawned and nodded, "Sore, but slept well." She plays with the curls on his head. "What about you?"

"I was tired so I fell asleep quickly. My thighs ache."

So Mun sits up from his bed and stretches before he goes to his closet, searching for clothes to wear. He picks out a white, grey, and blue sweater before grabbing a red version and throwing it to the girl on the bed.

"Wear this for today, Noona." He tells her. "So the other counters don't get suspicious because they've never seen me in this before.

She thanks him and takes off her shirt as he carefully admires her. She looks so gorgeous in the morning but then again, when is she not?

"Come here," Hana tells him, and he lays back down on the bed and wraps his arms around her waist. She pulls the blanket over both of them and whispers, "Let's sleep more. I wanna cuddle you,"

He laughs, "I didn't know a side effect of having sex was being clingy,"

She smacks him on the arm, earning an ow from So Mun.


They eventually do wake up from their slumber, and they go out to the kitchen to find breakfast already there at the table. Hana picks up a note from Ms. Chu and it reads;

"We had some errands to do so I cooked for the both of yall ;) -Maeok"

"How sweet of her," So Mun says as he pulls back a chair for the girl standing beside him. "Sit down." He pats the seat and as she follows his instruction he grabs both of them a drink.

He pours water in a cup before he switches it with an empty one, giving the filled glass to Hana. "Thanks," She blushes.

After a bit, both of them eat in comfortable silence until he speaks up, "So how was last night?"

She smiles at him as she puts down her chopsticks. "I really enjoyed it. I felt safe and comfortable with you."

He grabs her hand and puts it in his lap as he continues to eat his meal. "So did I. I'm glad we both had fun for our first time."

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