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Punch. He crumbles up his fists again to the point where he can feel his veins about to pop out of his knuckles. He throws his fists against the punching bag again, the abused flying sack about to break. Literally.

So Mun ignored the ways his body told him to stop training. There was a pool of sweat coming down his head all the way to his stomach through the hoodie he was wearing. His arms ached in pain, but he didn't stop. He couldn't stop.

Evil spirits these days were getting harder to summon by the day. They were able to heal, erase and read memories; And this is only in Korea, too. In Puerto Rico, there was evil spirit that could bring back people from the dead. So to So Mun, they've lucked out.

However, that still doesn't make him worry any less. He has slightly lost his smile, bit by bit. He's turned more serious now, no longer leaving room for silliness while fighting. I mean, he's twenty now, he's already gone through hell anyway.

Mo-tak still is like a father to him. They play around sometimes, drinking, training, or just hanging out in general. (However Mo-tak is deathly afraid of him since he has telekinesis now.)

Ms. Chu is always looking out for the boy in every way she can. He may no longer be a kid in age, but for her he still is one. She just wants to make sure he's always happy anyway.

For Hana, however..

He won't lie, he's always had a fat crush on the older girl ever since he first laid eyes on her. At first, she regarded him as a kid who couldn't defend himself. Then, slowly but surely,  she started to respect him. She allowed him to (kind of) touch her, and introduced her to both his parents and grandparents as his girlfriend. She wasn't too mad, but still slightly annoyed.

And then that's how it all went down.

To this day, So Mun still doesn't know what he did wrong, or what he could've changed. He'd had a crush on her for a year at that point, and he was ready to confess to her finally.

Then, unfortunately or not, he overheard the conversation between Hana and Ms. Chu a week after he turned nineteen. What he had heard stung him and as he went back to practicing, he couldn't control his emotions any longer. On the gym floor, he sobbed in sadness and anger, he was so stupid!! Why did he think that Hana would like him back.

So Mun won't ever admit it, but that's the real reason why he lost his smile.

Punch. The memories of that day kept running back at him, reminding him how their love is unrequited and will always be like that. How did he manage to think love was this easy? Why-

"So Mun, if you keep punching the bag like that, it's going to break again." Hana's voice shattered his train of thought.

Speak of the fucking devil.

"Hey, um, Noona!" He said nervously, failing to do it calmly.

She was standing right next to the door, a smirk growing on her lips as she teased him. "Who has made you that mad recently? Because whoever they are, I wonder what they did."

You did, Noona. You fucking broke my heart without meaning to.

He hesitated his response for a second. "When was the last time you trained?"

"This morning." She replied as she walked to the lockers, taking off her jacket. Underneath the sleeve she was wearing a plain grey t-shirt, and for her pants it was just black sweatpants. She then grabbed a hair tie and proceeded to tie her hair into a pony tail.

She looked to the side at the boy. "Up for a 1v1?"

So Mun grinned. "Gladly." He took off his boxing gloves.

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