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The lights flickered. Being a guard here sucks. Especially when there's a blackout. Then the lights shut off. All the doors opened. The subjects were released. Oh shit...

I quickly ran to the kaiju cove, when something tapped my shoulder. I took my axe out and readied to swing. It was a panther. I quickly stumbled back and swung weakly.

The panther then BLOCKED THE HIT! LIKE HOW THE HELL DID IT JUST DO THAT EFFORTLESSLY?! I proceeded to take my knife out and stab it in the shoulder, then take off running.

I ran until my legs gave out. The panther was nowhere to be seen. Where the hell is the emergency bunker...

I then noticed a pair of purple glowing goggles on a shelf. "I'll be taking that. It'll help me see." I said as I grabbed the goggles. Something felt off about it. Like radiation was coming from it.

I proceeded to put the goggles on. I could see much better now! Rage flowed through my veins suddenly. All the close friends I had here, my coworkers, were all gone. Just..gone.

More hate flowed through me. ((Perhaps a star wars reference?)) I then picked my axe up again, setting off to find the emergency bay.

I was getting more and more mad by the minute until my hands started sweating. Until my grip got so tight that I snapped my axe in half. "What the fuck.." I said.

Then a pain jolted up my leg. A burning sensation. Oh no...

I couldn't handle it any more and passed out.


I finally awoke. My hazmat suit was destroyed. My axe was still in two..wait- since when did I take my hazmat suit off?

I then noticed my hands. They were covered in some black gloves. And my arms were grey with some black spots. I felt something on my tailbone. Then I realized my goggles were still on. I could still see, but a lot better now.

I slowly lifted the goggles off my head and noticed that I could see perfectly fine without them. Though I had the feeling that I should keep the goggles on.

I was glowing slightly purple-ish now. I was a gootraxian now, but I wouldn't let that bother me. It felt nice..and I have the urge to kill..just to keep my sanity.

Then I saw a group of defenseless scientists down the hall. I cracked my knuckles as they saw me come into their vision. "NIGHTCRAWLER!" One of them yelled. "Oh this'll be fun.." I said, slowly walking up to them.

" I said, slowly walking up to them

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