Chapter 52: Revealing the Truth

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A/N: hey guys, i know author's note is a bit disturbing, but here me out okay?

^^ Happy 2.2k(votes) guys! This is the most greatest goal I've ever achieved. Gaining votes isn't the easiest thing on earth, but, it's worth to wait and keep on writing.

I wanted to make a special chapter, but you guys do know that this story is coming to an end so I can't make one. Π_Π I know i know it's sad to know this book is ending but heyy.... Sometimes I would think of making a 2nd book(oh please for god sake, I still have 10 uncomplete books to write!)


Btw, thank you so much for the votes! I LAHVE YOU~~~ THARANGHAEYO~~~ ㅋㅋㅋ


Somewhere in Gangnam. Hotel. 30th floor. VIP Room. Sehun's POV.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR DAUGHTER?" I yelled, barging inside Mr. Min's room without a second thought as I immediately grab him by the collar and gave him a stern glare. He scoffs, rolling his eyes aside and lightly pushed me away. "What the hell are you saying, Sehun. I don't know where she is..."

I bit my inner cheeks in frustration, clenching my fists and grabbed him by the collar once more. "Spill it, or I'll throw you off this building." I warned, pulling him roughly towards the big window in front and pinned him against it. He cocks a brow, forming a smirk on his lips. "Do it, if you're brave enough..."

"You don't know what I might do to you if you won't speak the truth now..." I sneered, as my hands threatened to choke him despite just push him and throw him from this window. He narrows his eyes on me, "Kill me or not, I have no idea where she is. I haven't met her ever since I left your house... Whatever she's doing right now, I don't give a fucking care as long as she gets you by herself..."

My eyebrows twitched, and not long after that, I felt this boiling sensation raging inside me as I heave a hard sigh before pushing him deeper against the window. "What do you mean? What is she doing to Luhan huh!?" "Find out by yourself, Oh Sehun. I don't know anything." He retorts, but then he roughly threw me on the floor with a hard fist landed on my right cheek.

"This old man..." I wiped the remaining blood off from my lips, regaining my balance before I could even punch this old man. He groans upon seeing me regained my balance once again as I strides toward him, grabbing his collar as I pushed him on the floor with full force.

My lips pursed, feeling a tint of satisfy as I watched him groaning in pain on the floor. “Just stop, Oh Sehun. This is not going to change anything, you're going to marry my daughter...” “YOU CHOSE TO DIE AND FEEL IT NOW!” In a matter of seconds, my fists tightly gripped on his collar, pushing him against the window as I threatened to push him over this building.

Silently killing him in my thoughts, my grip slightly tightens- choking him unknowingly as I could see his eyebrows clustered together, droplets of sweats rolling down his cheek. Little did I know that I felt this feeling of a sudden sting growing inside my stomach, but then I noticed his bruised lips formed into a satisfying grin.

I gasp, my weaken grips loosen from his collar as I stared down to see red stains appearing on my white shirt. “You fucking piece of old shit.” I growled, wrapping my fingers around the pocket knife as I hastily pulled it out of my wound and dropped it on the floor. He grins wider, “Feel it now...”

My lips were unable to speak, which my body starts to numb as I found myself dropped onto the floor with growling pains coming out of throat. And the last thing I heard before everything went blacked out was Suho's voice calling for my name, “SEHUN! SEHUNNAH! WAKE UP! SEHUN!”

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