Chapter 34: Unexpected Gift

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(that's the photo where Sehun got drunk maybe? I found it on my SNS. Anyway here's the 34th chapter! gosh~ i really didnt realize my story went this far ^^ time does pass so quick. enjoy!~)

Seoul Capital Hospital. Outside of the Operating Room. Sehun's POV.

It's been 3 hours since Luhan got inside the operating room, I can't really control myself from this nervous and anxious feeling, plus, my tears won't stop streaming. I sat down on the cold floor, leaning my back against the wall as I took a glance of the red light on the sign above the glass door. "Luhan..." I muttered quitely, covering my face with my hands.

I don't know who did this to him. I don't know who planned this. I don't know who hurt him! My only love in this world and I'm afraid if I lose him! I'd rather die with him. I realize that I can't live with him. I just can't. I will fucking kill that person who did this to my Luhan, no mercy. I'll kill him with my own hands!

"Sehun?" Suho tapped my shoulders, snapping out of my thoughts and looked at him with my drowsy eyes. "He'll be fine, I'm sure" he said, patting my shoulders once again as he went back to the vacant seat, where the others were also there. About Luhan's parents, I called them an hour ago about Luhan's state and they said they'll be here immediately.

My eyes caught on the sign above the glassdoor, it turns green and I immediately stood up as I saw a doctor and the nurses walking out of the room. I bit my lips anxiously, gulping my dried throat so hard as I throw the doctor lots of questions. "Doctor? How is he? Is he fine? He's still alive? Where is he? Can I see him now?." The doctor just smiled, nodding his head, "Are you his guardian?". "Uumm.. No. I-I'm his boyfriend, I brought him here." "Alright. He's fine but he needs time to recover and thank goodness, he doesn't have any miscarriage, the baby's fine" the doctor explained, what? miscarriage? baby? My Luhan is actually pregnant?!

"Wh-what? H-he's pregnant?!" I stammered, catching the others attention as they rushed behind me. "Perhaps, he didn't tell you Mr.Oh" the doctor said, as he gestured me to come to his office. "Come with me." "Al-alright...".

Third Person.

"Oh my god?! Luhan's pregnant?! How?! I can't believe this! He's really pregnant!" Chen said, walking back and forth that really makes Xiumin's eyes dizzy from watching him walking like that. Xiumin shakes his head as he blinks his eyes, "Stop it Chen. I'm dizzy watching you walk like that." "Sorry My Uminnie~" Chen cooed, walking towards to his lover as he plant a kiss on the cheek. Xiumin blushes, "Jongdae...".

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Chanyeol came with his killer smile while dragging Baekhyun behind him. "Guys! I have good news!" Chanyeol shouted, a cracked voice in the end but still managed to cover it up with a wide smile. Baekhyun lightly hit Chanyeol's arm while his cheeks were flushing red, "Chanyeol~." "We have to tell them. It's great news."

"Hey. Where the fucking hell did you guys went? Luhan's fine now and Sehun just went with the doctor..." Kris said, crossing his arms as he huffs. "Baekhyun went to have some check-ups and... good news guys..." Chanyeol said, "Baekhyun's pregnant!" he adds. Making all of them gasped in unison, "Wh-what?! He's pregnant too?!" Lay asked, scratching his head.

Chanyeol's eyebrows twitched, "What do you mean 'too'?". "Well... Luhan's pregnant too!" D.O exclaims. Baekhyun smile even wider, "Really?! Chanyeol! Now I can talk about pregnancy with him! I'm not alone! Yes~". Kai rolled his eyes irritadely, "I hope my Kyungsoo gets pregnant too." D.O heard it, so he immediately smack his head, "Yah. No way!". Kai pouts, "I thought you'd like babies... Especially our babies?". "God... Why'd you set me up with this guy..." D.O muttered, scooting away from Kai.

"Luhan?! Where's my Luhan?" a female voice intterupted all of them, it was Luhan's mom, along with his dad. D.O quickly stood up as he bowed 90° degree, "Hi, Mrs.Lu and Mr.Lu...". Upon that, all of them agreed to bow along and greeted them, "Annyeonghaseyo, Mrs.Lu and Mr.Lu." Luhan's mother greeted them back but her eyes were totally focused on something, "Hi kids... Wh-where's my son?".

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