Chapter 10: Three Words

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Sehun's POV

"Wh-what are you doing Sehun?!" Luhan freaked out when I pinned him down onto his bed.

I smirked and looked at his fast reaction, he was shivering and his cheeks were red.

"Can't you see? I'm pinning you down since I can't sit or lay on your bed so I have no choice but laying on you" I said and smiled evilly.

Luhan looked at me, heaving a sigh as I stared at his pink puffy lips.

"I regret kicking you down, okay okay! You can sit on my bed! Do what ever you want with this bed! Aish" he said, looking away from my face and pout.

I didn't move, still pinning him down which make him a little bit scared but I can hear his heartbeat race.

"Se-sehun, aren't you gonna let me go?" he asked but I slightly shooked my head and let my face bent down, nearer to his face.

He slowly closed his eyes, maybe he was expecting me to kiss him and that would be nice.

"Sehun! What are you doing?" he slowly opened his eyes, feeling embarassed from what he just did.

Before he could say something, I already captured his lips, kissing it gently until it got passionate by itself.

What makes me feel shocked but happy at the same time is, when he kissed me back. Replying every kisses that I made and went I asked him for entry, he gladly opened his mouth and let my tounge travel every inches of his warm and sweet mouth.

"Uhmmmm" Luhan moaned cutely, slipping his hands through my shirt.

I didn't care what he was doing, I was just kissing him, making it very passionate every second.

I broke the kiss when we both had finally lost our breath, my face were inches away from his, sense every sweet smell of his hair.

"Sehun... Why did you kissed me?" His cheeks were red like crimson, and he can't hide his face from smiling.

I smiled back, and wanted to give him the Three Words that I wanted to say since the first time I met him.

"Luhan" I called him, controlling my voice so it doesn't sound so deep.

I catched my breath for a moment and looked at him again, "I like him, and it's Luhan".

He smiled happily when I said that, he playfully hit my back and hugged me.

"Hunnie-yah~" he cooed and peck my lips, "I like you too" he continued.

Luhan's POV

Can't believe he likes me too! Aigoo! I'm the happiest human alive in this world!

I pecked his lips rapidly and his cheeks were also turning red, but he managed to hide it when he kissed me again. More and deeper passionate kiss.

When we had broke the kiss, I finally decided to sleepover to his house since his parents were outstation besides, tomorrow is freaking holiday!

He grabbed my hands, leading me downstairs and saw my mom who was now...well, again watching her drama thingy.

"Mom, Luhan will be sleeping at my house, it's just infront of this house" Sehun said, wait a minute...MOM????

My mom dropped her jaws, in the same time, she was in awe. She nodded her head agreely and smiled.

We both bowed down and went to Sehun's house.

Sehun's house

Honestly, Sehun's house is so damn fucking beatiful and expensive than mine!

"Like my house heh?" Sehun asked me while fetching me a glass of water.

I nodded my head and looked around the house, "Damn Sehun, it's more beautiful than mine and it's bigger too".

He chuckled and handed me the water, "Well, I like your house even better".

I glanced at him and laughed, "Whatever Sehun, your taste is strange".

"But my taste towards you is not strange" he smiled and scooted nearer to me, hugging my waist and leaned his jaw on my shoulder.

A/N: Thats all??? Hehehe... I updated 2 chapters today, so tired~ Nnnahh! Im not tired because of you guys! The support makes me feel active everyday and everynight just to update some new chapters for you and only you who read my story until now~ Thank you very much! I love you guys! Dont forget! Hehehe~ *bows 90°*

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