Ch.3 source of negativity

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Ch.3 Source of negativity.

"Can't you idiots move a little faster?" Scowled nightmare. He tapped his fingers on his desk as he watched his gang trash about in a hurry.

"Well boss." Said killer. "We wouldn't be in such a rush right now if dustbunny overhere-"

"Hey! It's not my fault!" Dust yelled. "It was you," he pointed at killer, "who left the weapons scattered on the floor"

Killer rolled his eyes. "Yeah!, so I could find them easier!" Killer flipped the couch over, looking under it. "You didn't have to hide them! You could have just- I don't know?! Kick them to the side or something?!"

"I didn't!" Dust yelled as he picked up a potted plant. "I put them on a pile in the corner! I didn't hide your stupid knives!"

Nightmare grunts and rubs his face in frustration. "how did I end up with this idiots?" He grumbles to himself. Footsteps walked towards him and he looked over his shoulder, there horror stood with a cup of tea.

"Ah..thanks horror." He says as he takes the tea from horror. He takes a sip and relaxes a little but still quite frustrated.

Horror tilts his head to the side as he watched Dust and Killer trash the living room.
"Whaaa?" He turns to nightmare.

"Ah" Nightmare sighs and puts the tea down. "Killer lost his knives and is blaming it on Dust. The're looking for it."

Killer jumps over to horror and pulls on his jacket "Hey big guy! Have you seen my knives? I put them on the floor last night"

"Ah." Horror tensed. He remembers waking up in the middle of the night and tripping over said knives. It annoyed him so much that sleepy brained screamed revenge and he hid those knives in hard to find places just to spite killer.

"Horror?" Nightmare called, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Something wrong dear?"

Horror scratched at the hole in his skull, a habit that he's been trying but failing to get rid off.
"I…hid the knives.." he admitted.

At first there was silence, and then, the was Dust. "SEE! I DIDN'T HIDE YOUR KNIVES" he yells and smacks killer on the head before approaching horror. "So where'd you put them?" He asked softly.

One of nightmares tentacles reached up and grabs horrors wrist stopping him from scratching at the hole. "Ah..I forgot.." he looks down with a bit of shame.

Nightmare sighs, "well, looks like we're not going on missions today." He lets go of Horrors wrist. "The 3 of you will spend the rest of the day looking for killers knives."

"Sorry.." mumbled horror.

Nightmare shakes his head. "It's fine dear, killer deserves it anyways"

"Are we really just gonna gloss over the fact that he hid my knives?"

"Yes, now move along." Nightmare left and went to his office. As he walked through the long dark halls of his palace, something hit him. A pulse of negativity so strong, it was impossible to ignore. It almost seemed to be…inviting him to come.

In a rush he teleports back into the living room. "What up boss?" Said killer. "We still haven't found the knives"

"I'm going somewhere" he turns around and sees error chilling on the couch. "Error's in charge" and with that he opened up a portal to the new source of negativity.

He didn't know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't this. Maybe he expected a genocide AU, or a torture prison but definitely not a blank space resembling the anti void. It was plain, blank and endless just like the antivoid.

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