CH 26 Horror TALES

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**AGA Arc: Horror Tales**

Cross woke up in the middle of the night, right after the virus had been taken care of. Despite not needing to eat, he felt an urge to grab a bite. As he walked down the dark hallways, he couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic. After all these years, he hadn't expected to come back to the castle. He left because he was getting bored of the universe and decided it would be better to take a couple of hundred-year-long nap in the void of Xtale.

The castle was built way back when Fresh was still a young child, around a couple of centuries ago. He never paid attention to time. He was still training under the server owner back then. Fresh's existence was never planned in the first place. It was a mixture of all the wrong chemicals and way too much magic that brought the parasite to life. It just so happened that a child version of a Sans (Cross was practicing how to make a child version of Sans for a new AU) was right next to it. Fresh happily took the Sans as his first host.

Cross gave him the name Fresh after seeing him devour an entire pack of Fresh-branded gum. The server owner, realizing that Fresh is sentient and considers Cross his "pop," told Cross to take responsibility and do something. Cross, who obviously doesn't know how to take care of a child (let alone a parasite), tries to remember what a normal person needs to live:

1. Shelter

2. Food

3... Money?


So Cross built an entire castle in a locked AU with extremely long hallways in hopes of tiring Fresh out somehow, checked on him every once in a while, gave him too much food to eat and too much money to spend.

(Needless to say, Fresh is a spoiled child; he still is.)

When he and Fresh finally decided to leave the castle, Cross had expected it to just rot or be overgrown by the plants.

Cross didn't expect that the local eldritch god would find it and use it. Oh well, nothing he can do about it anymore.

After stealing a snack from the kitchen, he suddenly remembered that he could have just made the food with magic. He shrugs and moves on.

There's a light coming from the living room, and he wonders who else could be up at this hour. Don't mortals need a specific amount of sleep to function?

He makes his way to the living room and finds Horror on the sofa watching a film.

"What are you doing?" he asks as he takes a seat next to him, keeping a distance between them.

"Watching," Horror spoke, keeping his eyes on the TV.

Cross hummed. He can't remember the last time he watched a movie; watching the lives of mortals is entertaining enough. If he wanted something more movie-like, he'd just spy on Undernovella.

As the movie progressed, he eventually learned its premise: an apocalypse type movie where everyone is running out of food and is desperate for it.

An odd choice for late-night watching.

"Why?" Cross asks, looking up at Horror.


"Why this?" Cross points at the movie. "Doesn't seem like something someone would watch for fun."

"Hmm," Horror nodded. Awkward silence fills the air as Horror thinks. "...memories..." he almost whispers.


"Yes..." Horror looks back at the screen. "Reminds me...of the...past," he sighs, "makes it easier to...accept won't happen again...remembering...helps compare how far we've much better things are..."

Cross tenses, sockets wide as he stares at the TV, trying to process Horror's words. The words implied that Horror had experienced being in a situation similar to the movie...but he doesn't remember ever creating an AU like that, nor does he remember letting the "human creators (us, the fandom)" make something like that in his universe either. He wouldn't let anything that cruel get in his universe; he had a limit on how much angst and gore could be made. It can't be the server owner either; one look at Horror's check box said that the original Horrortale was created in xxxx (I could not find the exact date), meaning that it was already a couple of years after the SV gave him complete control.

Which only left him.

But he doesn't remember making an AU like that.

He has made a couple of dark and morbid AUs himself, and he remembers each and every one of them. But a starved AU? A starved Horrortale? Now that he thinks about it...he doesn't recognize the name Horrortale at ALL, which would mean that he either forgot, or it formed naturally from a decision made or an event in its parent AU. But did something so horrible happen in the first place?

"Oh." What was he supposed to say? Is he to comfort this man? Use positivity magic on him? That feels wrong. Uhh—"is that why Killer and I went to gather food? He mentioned it was for your AU." Real smooth, let's investigate and risk upsetting the man. SV above, help him.

"Yes," Horror looked at him, "Boss...helps, promised food if...I join."

"I see." Was Horror here against his will? Is he just here for the food? Is he forcing himself to kill just to feed his—no. Not now. The Horrortale problem is a bigger issue; he can deal with that later.

Cross taps him on the shoulder, "Hey...when you go distribute the food, take me with you...I wanna (know what caused this) help."

Horror gives a small smile. "Sure...the more the better."

They focus back on the movie, and Cross accompanies him till morning. He stays even after the movie is finished and Horror has fallen asleep on the sofa.

One thought occupies his mind.

He didn't cause this...he didn't...right?


and it all goes down




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