CH 13 A visit

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ch 13, a visit

Aga 13

"Get up" cross said with a smile. He watched as blue jumped up and stood straight, hands behind his back.

"It's been a very long time My Admin...Forgive me for not informing of my visit" blue said with a smile, not a sight of feeling sorry in those star shaped eyelights. "but I just couldn't help it"

Cross rolled his lights, and made a gesture for blue to come closer and take a seat on the bed.

Blue's smile grew wide as he skipped over, sitting down on the bed with a flop. He looked at Cross, it's been so long! Cross haven't changed a bit it seems, other than the fact that he's wearing more simple clothes than his usual admin fit, he didn't change physically it seems. Blue wonders if Cross even ages, probably not. Would blue be like that too? He's a moderator...Would he stay young forever? That would be nice.

"Why have you come here blue?" Cross asked.

Blue snapped out of his thoughts and jumped. He had nearly forgotten! "I have something for you!" He said with a big wide smile as he reached for his pocket.

Cross blinked, what could it be? A gift?

Cross leaned back in surprise when blue nearly shoved his hand into his face.

"Here!" The other said proudly.

He looked at the item in his hands and his sockets widen. A simple black bracelet. Oh, it's a magic restrainer. He tilts his head at blue with a questioning look. Did the other seriously think he could restrain his magic?

" me out" blue raised a hand. "At some point we're gonna be fighting each other, the bad sanses already out number the stars sanses..." he pointed at cross. "And with you on their side...we don't really have a chance..." he laughed while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"So!" He continues. "I was'd hold back on us a bit?...I mean" he panicked, god...this could go wrong in so many could he ask a god to hold back??? Even giving him a magic restrainer for stars sake! What was blue thinking? A life sentence?? " wouldn't be fun i-if the g-ga-me ended w-when it j-ust started right?" He laughs awkwardly before looking down on his lap. "Hahahaha....pls forget what I said..."

Cross stared at the other in amusement. "You worry too much..." he pats the others skull. His eye sockets squint as he stared blue directly in the eye.

Blue squeeked before hurriedly averting his eyelights.

Cross brought his hand down from blue's skull, to under his chin, gently, he stroked the others cheek. "Blue..." he spoke softly making a shiver run up blue's spine. "You didn't get attached to those two did you?"

Blue froze. of the rules, the most important he had to follow as a moderator was 'DO NOT GET ATTACHED'...but he couldn't help it...they were just sweet...but he can't tell cross that..."OF COURSE NOT! I-I AM THE MAGNIFICENT BLUE! I-I DONT B-BREAK RULES!" He hopes that Cross wouldn't sense his lie, however he knows that the other way another he will know...can't hide anything from an admin after all...

Whether Cross knew or not he couldn't tell, but he was glad that the other didn't push it. He watched as cross shook his head and sighed.

"You got soft Blue..." Cross sighed and took the bracelet. "Fine...I'll humor you a bit..." he smiles as he puts the bracelet on his wrist. He feels it block some of his magic, but not all of it...just enough to leave his magic on an average level. He shook his head. "I'll give mercy on your little "friends" I wasn't planning on using magic anyways"

He eyes blue suspiciously before getting off the bed and walking close to the other with his hands in his pockets. One of his hands made it's way under Blue's chin, tilting it to look up at him.

Blue's eyelights, shifted around, blurry and unfocused trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible.

"You won't hold back on me right?" Asked cross with a grin.

"O-of co-course not!" A slight blush made it's way on blue's face when he realized how close they are. "I-I won't..."

Cross grinned and let the other go before taking two steps back. "" he smirked. "I want to talk to the other one"

Blue blinked at him confused at first before realizing what he meant. "Of course..." he raised his hand and snapped his fingers. In a flash, a cloud of glitches covered his entire body before slowly, dissapering one by one.

Blue was no longer there when it left. Instead, what sat in Blue's spot was a black skeleton littered with glitches and stars on the side of his skull and a red scarf.
The skeleton opened his eyes and looked up to Cross with its blue teeth in a grin.

The new skeleton immediately jumped up from the bed and launched himself into Cross, wrapping his arms in his neck. "HEY ADMIN!"

Cross groaned before pulling the other off him. "Hello Blueberror" he watched as the other latched into his arm. Completely invading his personal space. "Are we playing now?"

Cross sighed as he tried to get the other off his arm but the didn't seem to want to let go. "We will be...soon"

Blueberror let go off his arm and squeeked with glee. "EEEIIIII! HOW EXCITING!" He jumped up and down.

Cross watched the other and sighed. Blue was energetic but this one was so much more. "Stop." He said sternly. And the other did, he stopped and looked at Cross expectantly.

"I have a job for you" he walked closer to the other, "the first fight starts in a few days, I want you to help blue WITHOUT revealing yourself understood?"

Blueberror stood up straight and saluted. "Yes sir!"

"Good." Cross nodded. "One more thing...keep an eye on Blue would you..."

Blueberror blinked. "You want me to spy on other me?" He tilted his head.

"Well...not know what...sure." Cross shrugged. "Make sure he isn't doing anything he isn't supposed to."

"Can Do!"

"Good" he pats his skull. "Now go...I'd love some time alone."

"Yas Yas! Bye admin!" With that Blueberror opened a portal straight into blue's room, flopping into the bed.

Cross sighed In contempt, he looked up at the ceiling, he should focus on the game...won't be long soon...


They all lined up in the Throne room, watching as Nightmare opened up a portal to Underfell copy no. #89.

"Let's go boys, it's time."



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𝓑𝓵𝓾𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓵𝓾𝓮𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓬𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓼/𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪 𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷. 𝓣𝔀𝓸 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓬𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼, 𝓽𝔀𝓸 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓽𝔂𝓼, 𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝓭𝔂. 

- 𝓵𝓾𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓪

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