dear reader: a little something for the creatively blocked, which is me as of late. hope that you can take a little something away from it. enjoy :)
for the uninspired:
trust me when i say
go out into the world
and touch things in a way that
puts a finger in every groove
so that you know what the
sand whispers and
what the wind smells like
at every turn of the alleyways
experience is the best inspiration,
(i have traveled
to the edges of this world
and back
touched toes to the
cusp of this crumbling earth
and watched dirt
drip down
demolished into
the dust of time)
tell the stars what you
see and what you hear
do not be afraid to voice
everything that you experience
in the way that you think is
(here, your truth is the
only truth because
what is real in life
if not the reality you are
everyone else are
but planets
orbiting the same
sun—do not try
and touch them
or you both will explode
and what good will it do to
destroy what little we have?)
fear is a good teacher, but
mistakes are better
(they force you to learn;
to do things together in light that
you cannot do yourself in the dark)
for the uninspired:
experience, and fear
not judgment but never being judged
Poetrya collection of random pieces of poetry that i've written in 2023. (really, anything from love to surrealism.) huge thanks to anyone who reads this; most of the stuff in here probably makes absolutely no sense (even to me, lol). mostly inspired by t...