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chapter fourteen \ dinner dates and birthday cakes

"𝑌𝛰𝑈 𝐾𝑁𝛰𝑊 𝐴 𝐿𝛰𝑇 𝛰𝐹 𝑃𝛦𝛰𝑃𝐿𝛦." Austin said as they sat down at the middle table. Xaella had situated herself at the head of the table, Isla sitting on her right side, while Finley sat on her left.

"Don't tell me you're shy," Kylen joked, though the blush on his cheeks seemed to clarify that as the case. "Wait, are you?"

Austin's cheeks were a bright pink. "I get flustered around new people. You're the only person here that I know, really."

"So, that's a yes." Austin chuckled, nodding. "You could've said so. If you're not comfortab-"

"I'm fine right now," Austin replied, trying to wave away his slight anxieties with new people. He'd be able to manage. Really, Kylen's presence had been enough to keep him from reverting into himself. And although he was incredibly nervous and anxious around so many new people, having her there was making him feel much better.

"But, if it's too much, just let me know. This group is gonna wear you out by the end of the night," Kylen said.

Austin smiled a bit. From the playful air in the room and the number of antics Kylen's friends had already gotten into so early in the night, he was sure that was true. "I don't doubt that."

Kylen playfully rolled her eyes. "Seriously. You don't have to force anything."

"Don't worry, I won't."

The pair had fallen into their own world, whispering back and forth to each other. To say that no one had noticed would be a complete lie. Valentina and Kendall exchanged glances as the former sat in front of Kylen while the latter sat in front of Austin. The two women shared an understanding in their stare. Kylen and Austin were looking quite friendly on the other side of that table. A smirk fell onto Kendall's lips, the girl lifting her wine glass up to her lips and taking a long sip.

At some point, a trio of waiters and a waitress approached the trio of tables, announcing that they would be taking their orders by table.

The birthday girl's order was taken first, then their waiter continued down the table. It was only ten to a table. Their table consisted of Xaella at the head, with Finley and Isla on either side of her. Camari, sat next to Finley, followed by, Valentina, Kendall, and Dylan in the order. On the other side of the table, Isla's fiancé sat next to her, followed by Kylen and Austin. The other tables were occupied by a few of Xaella's work colleagues and their significant others. The party was small and intimate, just as Xaella wanted it.

Once their waiter got to Kylen, the girl ordered Grilled lamb chops, with a side of mashed potatoes. To start with, Kylen had asked for a chicken salad.

Kylen sipped on her glass of Rosé, sitting, comfortably, in her chair. After everyone had finished ordering and splitting up their bills, they were now free to move throughout the tables, socializing and exchanging introductions. The night was pretty chill thus far, which was all Kylen would have wanted to Xaella's birthday.

Kylen glanced over at Austin, who'd been fairly quiet, thus far. He seemed to be fiddling with a napkin, multitasking as he held conversation with Dylan. The two seemed to be getting along well, Dylan's playfulness bouncing off of Austin's shyness. Kylen could already see the two becoming friends as the night progressed.

"Hey, Ky, come to the bathroom with me?" Isla questioned, leaning over her fiancé to see her friend.

Kylen glanced over at Austin, though he didn't seem too bothered by the absence of her presence.

𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝛢𝑈𝑆𝛵𝐼𝛮 𝐵𝑈𝛵𝐿𝛦𝑅Where stories live. Discover now