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chapter seventeen \ kaia, the green-eyed party crasher

" 𝑇𝐻𝛢𝛮𝐾 𝑌𝛰𝑈 𝑆𝛰 𝑀𝑈𝐶𝐻. I really appreciate it," Kylen said as she left the DJ booth. The DJ just nodded at her as she lowered the music a few octaves to a bearable level. She'd been nice enough to hear her out, without any arguments. Maybe, now, Kylen would be able to enjoy her night better.

Successful in her side quest, the girl made her way back to where her friends sat, huddled around one of the high tables. As she got closer, Kylen realized that Jacob had joined them, an unfamiliar woman at his side. Kylen shook his head, wondering how he'd managed to sneak past her.

She made her way over to the table, breaking out into a cute, little trot as she got closer.

Alexa had been the first to notice that the girl was on her way back over. She held her phone down by her thigh, motioning to it with her other hand as if telling her friend to check her own phone. Kylen furrowed her brows, but complied, pulling up her messages with Alexa.

Her dimple-filled smile slowly dropped into an expression of confusion and bewilderment as she read from the messages Alexa had sent her in such quick succession. She looked up from her phone, her eyes asking for confirmation from Alex.

"Really?" She mouthed and, in response, Alexa discreetly motioned to the shorter woman with Jacob. As their backs were to her, Kylen couldn't make out any of the woman's features.

Kylen took a second, smoothing down her dress and bringing a few of her wavy curls to the front, down the front of her shoulder. She lightly pressed her lips together, testing the stickiness of her gloss. The girl decided to apply another layer, tucking the clear tube back into the corset part of her dress, right under her boob.

Kylen held her phone down by her side as she continued in the direction of their table.

"There she is," Alexa announced as if she hadn't noticed the girl until just that moment.

The table turned to her, Jacob sending a smile her way.

"Jacob, I'm glad you're here!" Kylen greeted. Jacob grinned down at the girl, leaning down to catch her in a small side hug.

Austin couldn't help but shift uncomfortably as he eyed the arm that had been momentarily draped across Kylen's shoulders. Austin lowly cleared his throat as he suddenly felt the need to fidget with his hands. The man didn't even know why he was bothered by the action. They were co-stars, after all. However, this reasoning didn't do much to help his momentary envy.

The two pulled away. "Thanks for the invite, small pint," The Australian replied, causing Kylen to roll her eyes. He motioned to his date. "This is Kaia. Kai, these are my friends from the show."

"Hi," The brunette greeted, bringing her hand up to offer a wave. She sent the group a polite smile, even though there was an unmistakable air of awkwardness between Austin and Kaia. While Austin looked pretty unbothered by his ex's presence, the same couldn't be said for her.

Kylen returned the smile as everyone at the table traded quick introductions.

"You wanna sit?" Austin asked as Kylen made it over to him. The stools around the table were all full. Austin had barely given her the chance to answer before he was standing from the barstool, motioning for the girl to take his place. "Go ahead."

𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝛢𝑈𝑆𝛵𝐼𝛮 𝐵𝑈𝛵𝐿𝛦𝑅Where stories live. Discover now