Chapter 4

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"So, what do you think about the place?" Jisoo coughed as she walked our latest potential roommate onto the deck.

I leaned back in our hot tub and waited for the girl to answer. She was so high that I smelled the marijuana on her the second she stepped into our house, and she couldn't make it through a single sentence without laughing. Unfortunately, she was the best person we'd met so far.

"It's amazing." she bent down and dipped her hands into the hot tub, laughing. "Really amazing. There's plenty of space for me to have my runners over here for meetings."

"Runners?" Jisoo asked, coughing again. "You're on the track team?"

"Ha!" The girl laughed. "Not that type of runner. Runner like runner. Like, people who handle the delivery of my products."

"So, you sell things for the track team?"

"She's talking about drugs, Jisoo." I shook my head. "She's a goddamn drug dealer."

"I don't deal any heavy drugs, though," the girl said. "I'm strictly a weed, pills, and roofies person. None of the hard stuff. I'm always looking for people to join my team if either of you is interested. I even have a competitive health care plan."

I rolled my eyes, but Jisoo kept her composure. The second she mentioned how much the rent was, I was confident that the girl would run the hell out of here, just like everyone else did.

"So, the rent is five hundred dollars each a month," Jisoo said. "And we have to split the bills evenly. Well, the water bill anyway. My dad will cover all the other ones for us."

"Cool." She nodded. "That sounds more than doable. I can pay an entire year upfront."

"Um. Well, before we get to that point..." Jisoo scratched her head. "You smoked like two cigarettes and a blunt during the house tour, and it only took twenty minutes for me to show you everything. So — "

"So, what ?" The girl raised her eyebrow.

"So, if we vote for you to move in, can you limit your smoking to maybe three to four puffs a day? Neither of us smokes, so it'll throw off the whole aura of the house if you do."

"Nah, I need my weed and my smokes," the girl said, crossing her arms. "They're a part of me, and if I'm paying five hundred dollars a month for shared rent, I should be able to do whatever the hell I want."

She has a point...

The girl pointed to the beach. "Are there any cameras from the house that can see out there?"

"Not that we know of," Jisoo said. "Why?"

"Good." She stared out at the water. "Just making sure I have a secure place to discipline my runners if the time comes for that. The two of you won't be able to sit on this deck if any of that shit ever goes down, alright?"

I shot Jisoo a look, and she held her hands up in surrender.

"We'll be in touch with you after our vote, no matter what." She motioned for the girl to follow her.

I watched as Jisoo walked her out of the house, and then I reached over a stack of towels to grab my cell phone. There were no new emails from my posting in the Business School newspaper, but there were plenty of text messages from Doyeon and Bobby. They were repeating the same fake apologies, so I deleted them.

"Okay," Jisoo said, returning and pacing the deck. "So, it's between the drug dealer, the girl who does creepy ass magic tricks with roaches and rats, and the girl who can only pay us half of the rent but says she'll take my Sociology class and get me a guaranteed B minus... I don't know about you, but I'm leaning toward girl number three."

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