Chapter 23

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ME: Can we talk? I want to make sure we're on good terms before my program starts.

Me: Chaeyoung, please. I think we both said things we didn't mean.

Me: Can you at least text me back so I can know that you've read my messages?

I REFRESHED MY INBOX for the umpteenth time, hoping for an answer from Chaeyoung, but there was nothing. Ever since she left me at Gayle's that night, she'd kept the door to her room shut, and ignored all my messages. The few times that we crossed paths in the kitchen, she barely looked at me, and when I tried to join her in the hot tub, she immediately stepped out and went to her room.

"Ms. Kim?" The tour guide's voice made me look up from my phone.


"We're approaching Times Square, so you may want to snap a few pictures." She smiled from the front seat of the executive car. "This is probably the only time you'll be able to appreciate it before you start the program. You'll be far too busy with work then. Trust me."

I sighed and held up my phone, snapping multiple pictures of the flashy, glittering billboards. I sent them all to Chaeyoung, hoping this would get her attention, but it didn't.

"Our next stop on our private pre - campus tour is going to be Wall Street," the tour guide said. "We'll see plenty of amazing things along the way, but you'll get to see why people who come here never want to leave."

I wanted to leave as soon as I landed...

One week later...

THE MOMENT I RETURNED from New York, I drove to Super Suds to see if Chaeyoung was spending the night there. When I didn't see her, I headed home and poured two glasses of her favorite wine.

Carrying them to her bedroom, I knocked on her door. "Chaeyoung, I'm back from New York. Can we please talk?"

She didn't answer.

"Chaeyoung, can you please open your door so I can apologize for everything I said?"

I waited five minutes. "Okay, I'm coming in..."

I twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. I dropped the wine glasses to the floor as I realized that all of her things were gone. Everything looked exactly how it did before she moved in and she'd left a single pink post - it on her bed.

Forget You, Jennie.

(For Real This Time, Forever This Time),


At Sea: First Week Gone



Hey! I'm hoping we can be pen pals while I'm away this time instead of Jennie since we broke up.... (I'll try to keep my letters shorter than usual so you (and Jisoo ☺) won't be overwhelmed by my long - winded - ness.)

They've remodeled the ship so it looks far more modern, and I think they must've gotten a few complaints about only having one coffee shop onboard because we now have three.

To my surprise, I've hung out with the same group of girls every night for the past week, and I enjoy their company. A few guys have hit on me, but I don't think I'm ready to date just yet. (I don't think I'll be ready for a long time after Jennie...Do you think I was right to leave and be done with her?)

Write back and tell me what's going on back at SBU soon.

With love & sails,


At Sea: Three Weeks Gone



Hey there, again! I'm sure you're still working on your first letter, but I wanted to let you know that today the ship sailed through waters that were full of dolphins. (You told me you loved dolphins, right?) I printed a few pictures from my camera and am including them in this letter.

Even if you just send a postcard, write back and tell me about what's going on back at SBU soon.

With love & sails,



(Had to write you two letters in the same week — I won't mind getting two back from you in return ☺)

OMG! This is the first time, in a long time, that I can honestly say that I'm enjoying my time being on Semester at Sea! Perhaps I was sailing with all the wrong people before, but now I'm finally making friends and having the time of my life. (Or wait...maybe it's because everyone is a senior and they're allowing us to get more than a couple of drinks every night at the bar?)

With love & sails (& please write back),


At Sea: Six Weeks Gone


Please write me back...


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