Chapter 5

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Jennie standing in front of me was nothing like the Jennie Kim I remembered at all. She'd always been small and skinny, always given off an air of cockiness, but she'd never been remotely attractive. At least, to me.

And as much as it pained me to admit it, this Jennie Kim was fucking gorgeous.

It was undeniable.

In place of her slightly chubby cheeks from our high school years, was a well - defined and chiseled jawline, and in place of the "skinny form" that I use to tease her about, was a full set of glistening abs and a black and grey tattoo on the right side of her neck.

Her dark brown eyes were still the same, but when she smiled, I noticed that they complemented the dimples in her cheeks.

The fact that she was slightly more attractive now didn't change anything, though. Shortly after her eyes met mine while she was in the hot tub, once the initial shock of attraction faded away, I felt awkward. I silently questioned if we should even consider being roommates, if we were still the hot - headed kids who could be completely cordial one minute and engaged in a fiery argument the next.

"Okay, we're going to vote now," Jisoo said, setting a stack of blankets on the couch for me. "Jennie, can you join me in the kitchen so we can officially discuss our next roommate?"

Jennie headed toward Jisoo without looking my way, and as if I wasn't standing close by, Jisoo began to speak.

"So, let me lay out my reasons why I'm saying yes to Chaeyoung. Then you can say your reasons, and then we can vote." She held up one finger. "Number one, she's sexy as hell, but she also has the money according to her dad. I do sense a smart mouth, since when I opened the windows to the deck and said, 'This is an example of an ocean view,' she responded with 'No shit.' I'm not sure how I feel about that yet."

Jennie's lips curved into a slight smile, revealing her dimples again. "That's pretty mild sarcasm for her. You need to know that it will only get worse."

"Okay so, that's one strike in my book," She said. "But back to the positives. Once again, she has the money. She also claims to have taken Sociology on the Semester at Sea ship, and she's willing to share some of her old notes with me."

"Jisoo, Sociology is one of the easiest classes on this campus. Why are you so hell - bent on getting help for that?"

"Because the only professor I could get is Swanson and she's failed me in two of her other classes." She paused. "She clearly has it out for me, and I need at least a C to graduate."

"Any other positives?"

"Did I mention she was attractive as hell yet?"

"You did." Jennie picked up a bottle of beer and sipped it, still not looking my way.

"Well, let's put it to a vote." Jisoo cleared her throat. "All in favor of Chaeyoung Park being our third roommate, say I."

"I," I said, in unison with Jisoo.

Jennie turned around to face me. "You don't live here. You don't get a vote in this."

"Like hell she doesn't, since it sounds like two to one." Jisoo laughed and walked over to me, handing me a beer. "No need for you to sleep on the couch tonight, but we will need your first month of rent by the end of this week."

"No problem."

She clinked her beer against mine and looked at her phone. "I'll be back a little later. I'm about to go fuck — I mean..." She paused, clearing her throat. "Chaeyoung, are you seeing anyone? I'm asking for a friend."

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