Chapter 10

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THERE WERE A FEW THINGS I'd always looked forward to about having my first real date on campus, a specific list of "shit I definitely need" that was inspired from all my favorite love stories. I knew most of the things by heart, but the moment I was asked out, I made sure to pull out my list and reread the top three.

Shit I Definitely Need on my First Real Date:

(Fuck what Jennie said about this being unrealistic. She doesn't know anything.)

1 . A CONVERSATION THAT I never want to end (Preferably one about books, but I'll settle for one about art, our dreams, or things we love to do)

2. A great location that I will always remember. Bonus points if this location is under the stars, somewhere along a private beach, or at a five - star restaurant.

3. A soul searing kiss that seals the night and leaves my mind spinning with thoughts about endless possibilities. (Plus, butterflies. There need to be some goddamn butterflies.)

SO FAR, TONIGHT, MY list was looking unrealistic as shit, and I was batting zero.

Mingyu Kim was definitely attractive as hell, and after talking on the phone with him every night this week and laughing at all the things we had in common, I was hoping for butterflies or sparks when he picked me up in his car.

It'd been an hour and I was still waiting.

I didn't feel anything when he smiled and complimented me, and I was still trying to figure out why the hell he thought a pizza bar was the perfect place for a date. Not only that, but he was dressed in sweats and a T - shirt, as if he'd rolled out of bed seconds before picking me up.

I can't believe I wasted half of my day getting ready for this...

"I kind of feel like I should've dressed up more for you," Mingyu said, smiling. "You look great, by the way."

"Thanks." I forced a smile. "Are we just getting a bite to eat here and then heading out for the rest of the date?"

He laughed. "No, this is the date. I personally think its best if we get to know each other in a place like this since this is more affordable for me." he smiled and winked at me. "You're not a gold - digger, are you?"

I held back a sigh and smoothed my hands over my grey dress. "Not at all."

"What can I get you two tonight?" The waiter stepped in front of our table. "We have four new pizza combos and three specialty drinks if you're interested."

"We'll have the samples," Mingyu answered before I could. "With water. Large cups of water."

The waiter rolled her eyes and quickly returned with our water and a box of miniature pizza slices.

"I don't know why people come here and pay for their pizza," he said. "The samples are free, and you can get full with two orders of those. Well, we'll probably need three since we're sharing, but they don't limit the samples at all."

He pulled out five miniature slices for himself and slid the box toward me.

There was only one slice left.

"So, in the car, you were telling me something about loving to draw," he said. "Are you an Art major?"

"Yeah, I've always wanted to be an artist."

"Sounds cool."

I waited for him to elaborate, to say or ask me something else, but it never came. Instead, he devoured his first few slices — smacking loudly as he swallowed them.

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