Episode 1 - The Beginning of The Dream

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I'm (Y/N), a guy who is a music listener who loves music especially Electronic Music, EDM, etc. I'm interested for the greatest ones and I found it, the greatest DJ Unit, Merm4id. I took a shot on listening each of their songs on Spotify, and I loved it in every single minute.

"That's really awesome!! Merm4id has the greatest EDMs I've listened!" (Y/N) said. I searched "Merm4id" on YouTube for the concert and I saw that live concert highlight video and in the first second, I saw from the video, I just got mesmerized by their looks and their performances. And when I saw that one immaculate beauty, a girl who has a beautiful face and twintails during the concert, I got interested to see her because I had some romantic excitement for her.

"OMG!! She's so cute and gorgeous!! I can't wait to see her in person 'coz she's one of my dream girl that I want to see!!" I said. "I'll definitely hoping to see her in one of their concert with my parents!!"

As my parents went home and I heard the door knocking, "(Y/N), open the door please!" My mother said.

"Wait, I'm coming through!!" (Y/N) said while walking. As I opened the door, "Welcome home, mom and dad!!" (Y/N) happily said to their parents.

"Oh dearest (Y/N), how thoughtful of you." My mother said. "How was your day when we got busy at work, (Y/N)?" My father said.

"Oh, I was studying for my school and I got exhausted from all the work I've done but it was worth it and I got interested in going to a concert!!" (Y/N) said.

"A concert? I see, I see. Well, you're in luck!" My mother said. "Well as expected that you love music back in your childhood, so I bought some tickets for Merm4id Live Concert for the 3 of us." My father said.

"Oh wow!! Thanks mom and dad, you made my dreams come true!!" I said as I hugged my parents and the three of us ate a dinner in the dining room to my home. As I went back to my bedroom after I brushed my teeth and wash my face, I slept earlier. 

As I started to dream during in my sleep, I dreamed about me and my parents went to the live concert and as the moment Merm4id showed up and I saw that beautiful woman who has brown twintails cheered up their audiences and she dances along with her friends, me and my parents are really happy because they enjoy their music. 

And as I woke up to reality and today it was Sunday. Today is the day where Merm4id has a concert and I really got excited to see the concert for today. I started making breakfast for me and my family to eat and I took a bath and wear my outfit. I waited my parents to make sure they are clean and ready to go. And as our car starts to rev up, my parents said, "Are you ready to make your dreams come true, (Y/N)?". I said, "Yep!" Our car accelerates as we went to the concert.


(A/N): Hello guys!! This is my fanfiction about one of my favorite idol crush, Natsumi Hirajima or many of them call her as Nacchan. I made this fanfiction because I wanna dedicate this to my idol crush so peace out and I'll write more stories. See ya!!

D4DJ - Natsumi Hirajima (Nacchan) x Reader - "A DJ Fan's Dream"Where stories live. Discover now