Episode 4 - Daily Life

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Nacchan's POV

I went to the music agency to practice a new dance move for our song that'll be perform on our upcoming live concert with my friends.

After the practice, I just took a break with my friends to beat the heat and exhaustion from our bodies.

Meishan: Our practice for today is so exhausting but fun, guys!

Himarin: Yeah, it really is!!

Nacchan: It's true, but at least it's entertaining for the four of us!

Aipon: You're right, it really is entertaining.

As me and my friends took a break, I had lunch with me and my friends at a yakiniku.

(Y/N)'s POV

As I trying to complete my daily activities today at school and I listened to any lectures at class because I want to learn any lessons after the lecture. As the bell rings, I had to buy some lunch to eat. After I ate my lunch, I went back to school, and I relax a bit before my class start.

After the class is over, I just went to my parents' car to drive safely, my father is still gentle for me and my mother because we're a happy family. 

Father: (Y/N), what dinner are we going to eat for the three of us?

(Y/N): Let's go to McDonalds!

Mother: Great! Let's go to McDonalds.

As me and my family went to McDonalds, my parents take some order at the cashier while I was sitting, waiting for them. As I wait, a beautiful woman appeared inside McDonalds.

(Y/N): Nacchan!! Evening, my love. How are you?

Nacchan: I'm good, (Y/N), how are you today also?

(Y/N): I'm good also. My class is really tiring but I had a lot of fun and learning.

Nacchan: I see. Mine's practicing at a music agency with my friends, I learned some new moves for our upcoming live.

(Y/N): That's cool!! Come on, take a seat.

Nacchan: Thanks, (Y/N). You're a gentle person I've met.

(Y/N): No problem.

As me & Nacchan sat on the chair, and my parents surprised that Nacchan appeared for our dinner at McDonalds. The 4 of us ate our dinner and we are talking about the upcoming live that'll be happening next week.

Father: Oh, an upcoming live next week? Sure, the three of us would be happy especially for my son.

Mother: We'll stay tuned for that, Nacchan!! Goodluck for your live performance.

(Y/N): Nacchan my love, I'll be there for you as well as my family.

Nacchan: Thanks, you three!! I'll tell my friends about it, I hope y'all support me and my friends during the concert next week. 

As we laughed each other afterwards, we clean the table and head outside the restaurant.

Nacchan: (Y/N), see you around.

(Y/N): You too, Nacchan. By the way, I want to have a date with you for the first time, maybe this Saturday. Is it sound alright with you?

Nacchan: Oh, you asked about it then sure! See you this Saturday, (Y/N).

As I head back to the car, I talked to my parents about dating with her on Saturday and my parents are happy and accepted the first date with her. We went back home safely, and I went to the bathroom to clean my face and brush my teeth and as I go back to my bedroom, I started doing my studies and homework while listening to any EDM music especially, Merm4id. After I did my studies and homework that I needed to finish, I slept for tonight.

D4DJ - Natsumi Hirajima (Nacchan) x Reader - "A DJ Fan's Dream"Where stories live. Discover now