Episode 5 - First Date with an Idol Crush

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Today is Saturday, yes, weekend started for today. I heard an alarm clock ringing, and I stopped it so I could wake up in the morning. My father and mother greeting me a good morning and I ate breakfast so I could have the energy for the morning.

After breakfast, my mom and dad said farewell to me and wished me a good luck for dating with Nacchan, and my father gave me a door key before leaving with my mother. As they closed the door and went to their job, I just went to the bathroom and started to clean my body for a fresh look. After I took a shower, I brushed my teeth and washed my face to make sure I'm all cleaned up for the first date. And I waited for the time for afternoon, I just warm-up and exercise to make sure my body needs to be energized and heated up.

I took a break from warming up and drank some of water, I feel refreshed to drink a water after exercise. I pick up my phone and started playing games like in an hour before noon. After I played some games, I called Nacchan.

(Y/N): Nacchan, morning!

Nacchan: Oh, morning (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Ready for our date?

Nacchan: Sure! I'm ready, where would you like to meet me at?

(Y/N): At a cafe.

Nacchan: Alright, see you there!

(Y/N): Yeah, see you too.

I just went to my bedroom, and I wore my casual clothes to make sure I feel comfortable. I pick up the phone and my headset to listen to music while walking. I got the door key my father gave me before he leaves, and I set up my sling bag to put my phone, headset, wallet, especially the door key. Once I got out of my house, I locked it using the door key and I put it back on my sling bag and I put my headset to my head to listen some music and I went to the cafe where I wanted to meet her. 

When I entered the cafe, I just sat down and waited for her. And when she comes to the cafe, I raised up my hand to see her and she sat down.

Nacchan: What's up, (Y/N)! How are you?

(Y/N): I'm feeling great, how about you, Nacchan?

Nacchan: Likewise.

(Y/N): Shall we start the date?

Nacchan: Sure!

As me and Nacchan went outside, we walked together like we're couples, and we went to the mall to eat lunch together, we just taking selfies and pictures together and playing arcade games together.

Nacchan: Look, a claw machine! It really looks hard to be honest, but I'll try it!!

(Y/N): Same here, Nacchan.

As we play the claw machine, we got a prize that is a stuff toy. We're happy that we got a plushie that is comfortable as a pillow. I really enjoyed dating with her, her smiles, her affection towards me, everything. That beautiful woman like her, she's the sunlight every day and night. As we went outside the mall, I confessed to her at the sunset.

(Y/N): You know, you are really so sweet of me Nacchan. You've made me fell in love with you since the concert. I confess, I love you, Nacchan.

Nacchan: I love you too, (Y/N). Shall we hold our hands together?

(Y/N): I would love to, yeah.

We hold hands together as we're officially a girlfriend and a boyfriend, we walked together while we're talking about the live concert that is going to happen in next Sunday featuring the other DJ unit that is joining with Merm4id is the DJ unit named: RONDO. I told her that'll be cool and exciting. As we headed to separate ways, I told her that I'll support her.

(Y/N): Nacchan, I'll support you and your friends here next Sunday. I'll meet you there on a backstage with my parents.

Nacchan: See me after the live concert, (Y/N). I'll wait for you.

Nacchan gave me a kiss to my cheek before she leaves, and I felt happy when I got kissed by her. I just went to my home and that's my parents waiting for me to open the door. I got the door keys and opened the door. I gave the door keys back to my father. I headed to the bedroom to change my clothes and ate dinner. I got back to the bedroom to take a rest and sleep tight.

D4DJ - Natsumi Hirajima (Nacchan) x Reader - "A DJ Fan's Dream"Where stories live. Discover now