Episode EXTRA #1: Valentine's Day

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14th of February, yes Valentine's Day. A day of giving love to each other, what's so special about is that I'm going to date with my idol crush, Nacchan. I woke up in the morning as always and I greeted my mother and father a happy valentine's day, and they appreciated it as I had a breakfast to them.  

My mother and father had a plan on today's Valentine's Day. My parents would date each other just like the old days while I'll date with Nacchan. As my parents leaving in our home, they told me that I should stay and call Nacchan for a date. As I stay at home, I took a fresh bath as always and called Nacchan on the phone for a planned date today.

(Y/N): Hello!

Nacchan: Oh, (Y/N)! How are you, love?

(Y/N): Awesome. Today's Valentine's Day, I had a plan for the two of us.

Nacchan: I see, what plan you're talking about?

(Y/N): Well, a date for the two of us.

Nacchan: Alright, where we going to meet up?

(Y/N): At the mall exact afternoon.

Nacchan: Sounds good! Call me if you're here now. See you later!

(Y/N): Yeah, later Nacchan. 

As I turned off the call, I prepared myself by working out daily until 11AM. After I warmed my body up, I went to the bedroom to change clothes and my sling bag to go on a date with the woman I love. I got my phone and key to unlock the house as I leave. As I later went on a bus ride, I stopped at the exact location where I could meet with Nacchan. I went through the mall, and I saw her wearing casual clothes. Her beautiful dress that fits her the most. 

Nacchan: (Y/N)! Over here!

(Y/N): Nacchan! 

Nacchan: So, shall we start our Valentine's Day date?

(Y/N): Yeah, let's go.

Nacchan & I started our Valentine's Day date to impress and make our lives happier together. The two of us are eating lunch inside the mall, taking pictures together, playing games at the arcade, and so on. This day feels so much special to give love and affections to her and every minute of it, I'll never forget these memories.

Outside the mall, it was really beautiful at night while walking with her. I looked at Nacchan and I hugged her. She also hugged me, and she'll never ever forget me if she loved me. The joy of Valentine's Day is very happier and so sweet. As I want to go home, I said farewell to her and gave her one last kiss. This ends the Valentines Day date with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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