Episode 3 - An Unexpected Guest

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The sun rises in the morning, and I still have sleep in my bedroom, and when the alarm rings, I woke up quickly and saw the time and it's 6AM and today is Monday so that means, I have classes today. I got up and brushing my teeth to make sure that my teeth cleaned up as well as taking a shower to make sure that my body is clean.

I saw my parents preparing a breakfast to eat and after we ate breakfast, I wore my school outfit and I hopped into the car and after the ride, I went to college, and I just went inside to the campus and my classmates are greeting me and I sat down to my chair. I focused on any activities, studies, homework and much more in my college life. After the class, I went to the cafeteria, and I bought some lunch to eat. 

After the class, I finally went outside the college, and I waited my parents here at the gate, and I saw the car and it's my parents. I hopped the car and I talked to my parents about my college life every day.

As we got home after the class and works, I just relaxed at my bedroom, and I played any EDMs in my playlist and I waited for my dinner to cook. My parents are cooking dinner to eat and a few minutes later, I got out of the bedroom to eat dinner with my parents. And I hear the knocking sound at my door, and I opened it, the one who knocked the door at my house it was none other than, my idol crush, Nacchan.

"Nacchan!! What are you doing here?" I said happily.

"Oh, hey there, (Y/N)! Well, I just wanna visit to your home for the first time so, can I come in?" Nacchan said proudly.

"Sure thing! Let's have dinner, we have some dinner that is prepared to our table."

As I visited her to my house, she's impressed by how my house looked like. It's simple but colorful. Then, I sat with her as well as my parents to eat dinner together. My father asks a question about her.

"So, how did you find our home, Nacchan?" My father questioned about her.

"I just called him earlier on a phone call during his lunch break." Nacchan answered to my father.

"I see, I see. I think it's real fine." My father said happily.

"Well, Nacchan you look gorgeous in one of your pictures, my son loves any pictures of you during the live." My mother said, complimenting her.

"Thanks, Mrs. (L/N)!! I appreciated your compliments about my pictures." She said joyfully.

After the dinner, I want to talk to her inside my bedroom.

"Nacchan, this is my room, what do you think?" I said.

"It looks very nice and very comfy." She said.

"Thanks, anyway, this is my computer. I often used it for my hobbies and playing songs. Even I'm interested to listening you and your unit's songs. I love your style when it comes to dancing and singing, as well as your voice acting, Nacchan." I said to her appreciatingly.

"Really?! You're the best, thank you, my cutie, (Y/N)!" Nacchan said happily.

"You're welcome."

After we talked about hobbies between me and her in an hour and a half, we just got out of my bedroom together. And she's saying goodbye to me.

"See you again, (Y/N). I love you, goodnight." Nacchan said.

"I love you too, Nacchan. Stay safe when you get home." I said.

As I closed the door, I went to the bedroom again and I make some of my homework to do and I finished every homework, and I washed my face, and I brushed my teeth before I sleep. And I went inside again, and I lay down to bed. I slept the night away.

D4DJ - Natsumi Hirajima (Nacchan) x Reader - "A DJ Fan's Dream"Where stories live. Discover now