Episode 2 - Love at 1st Sight

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As we got there on the venue where the concert would start, many people bought their tickets inside but luckily me and my parents have three of each.

Once we enter to the event, my parents gave the three tickets to the ticket holder and gave us a backstage pass for the three of us.

As we got here inside the concert, me and my parents are waiting to start the show while the lights aren't turned off. Many people are here waiting for the live concert to begin.

"(Y/N), I think you're excited right?" My father said.

"Yeah, dad. Why though?" I said, curiously.

"Well because you want to meet your crush right?" My father said.

"Oh I see. Yeah actually." I said, smiling.

"Well that's good, that's good, (Y/N)."
My father said.

And at the moment where the lights turned off, the curtains are opened and there I saw the DJ unit that I want to see: Merm4id. Me and my parents saw the four beautiful girls in the stage. As their music started, it boosts up my hypetrain in my musical life. I'm super happy that I hear their songs in the concert.

"Hello everyone!! I hope you'll enjoy our song that'll make you all dance!!"
The short-haired girl said.

As they performed their song, everyone enjoyed it and dance along with it. Even me and my parents love their music much more.

*An hour later*

"Woohoo!!! Their music is really good!! It's the best concert I've ever enjoyed!" I said.

"Well, same here too son!" My mother said.

"Me too also, say why we try going to the backstage since the show is over, is that alright with you?" My father said.

"I would love to, dad!! Let's go to the backstage!" I said.

After the concert show is over, me & my parents went to the backstage to meet and greet my favorite DJ unit.

And as we enter to the backstage, my heart starts beating faster when I saw the love of my life for the first time. This could be.... a love of the 1st sight? Is it because I'm meeting the woman of my dreams for the first time in my life?

"Hello there guys!! Welcome to the backstage! We are Merm4id!" The 4 girls said in unison.

"Oh, hello there. Me and my wife are really enjoyed your performances and even my son is hyped to your performances." My father said.

"Wow, thank you so much guys for complimenting us at the concert today! I'm Natsumi Hirajima by the way. You can call me, Nacchan. I'm Seto Rika's VA." Nacchan said.

As I heard her name, my heart stopped beating faster and I have the courage to meet her.

"Oh hi, Nacchan!! Actually, this is my first time attending here on your concert with your friends! By the way, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), it's nice to meet you."
I said.

"Nice to meet you too, (Y/N)! Your parents must be proud for meeting you here at the backstage!" Nacchan said.

"Thanks, Nacchan. You know you're pretty cute and gorgeous in your costume and your personality." I complimented her nicely.

"So sweet of you, (Y/N)! Thank you for complimenting me." Nacchan said. "Oh by the way, these are my friends. Say hello to Aipon, Meishan, & Himarin!"

"Hello, I'm Negishi Ai, you can call me Aipon. I'm the VA for Dalia Matsuyama. It's nice to meet you for the first time, (Y/N) and your parents." Aipon said.

"Nice to meet you too, Aipon. Your performance is just silky and smooth like butter. Your personality is just fitting as your character, Dalia."

"Thank you (Y/N). I appreciate your compliments." Aipon said.

"Hello, it's my first time meeting you 3! I'm Mei Okada, my friends call me Meishan and also, I'm a VA for Marika Mizushima, so it's a pleasure to meet you." Meishan said.

"A great pleasure to meet you too, Meishan." I said.

"I'm the 4th member of the group and DJ of Merm4id, Himari Hazuki!! Same as Nacchan, Meishan, & Aipon, they call me Himarin. I'm also a VA just like the three of them, I voiced as Saori Hidaka. Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." Himarin said.

"Nice to meet you also, Himarin!! You're very cool as a DJ, nice presence to your DJing abilities!" I said.

"Wow!! Thanks, (Y/N)! You're supporting us in our concert as well as your parents!" Himarin said.

After we've met the members of Merm4id in the backstage, I just wanted to leave with my parents but I have something to say to Nacchan in the backstage.

"(Y/N), since we've met the DJ unit that you wanted to see, I gotta say, your dreams came true!" My father said.

"Yeah, it's all thanks to you mom & dad!!" I said happily.

"Well, let's go have some dinner to some restaurants before we go to the house, sounds alright, (Y/N)?" My mother said.

"Sure, I would love to but first, I wanna talk to Nacchan." I said.

"Well, go on son!" My father said.

As I went to the backstage again, I saw Nacchan again.

"Umm, Nacchan?" I said shyly.

"Oh, it's you (Y/N)! What are you doing?" Nacchan said.

"I just wanna talk to you for a short time." I said.

"Sure thing, what do you wanna talk about it?" Nacchan said.

"When I first time I saw you. You are beautiful like the sun, You're shining just like a light and I do have feelings for you. I confess, I have a crush on you, Nacchan." I said.

"That was very thoughtful of you, (Y/N). You have a crush on me? I have a crush on you also, (Y/N)." Nacchan said. "Alright, let's exchange some phone numbers, call me anytime, anywhere."

As we exchanged our phone numbers, I'm happy that Nacchan is now my idol crush and it made my dreams came true.

"Well, I have some dinner with my parents, see you again in the concerts, Nacchan!! I love you." I said.

"See you again, (Y/N)! Love you too." Nacchan said.

As I leave the backstage, I went to the restaurant with my parents and afterwards, We went home for tonight and as I got ready to sleep, I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I went straight to bed and sleep the night away. That was the greatest experience I've ever spent with my parents.

(A/N): Hello guys! This episode of my fanfiction is really long because Merm4id has 4 members so it's okay to introduce them but anyway, see you again in the next episode!!

D4DJ - Natsumi Hirajima (Nacchan) x Reader - "A DJ Fan's Dream"Where stories live. Discover now