Chapter 1: What? How?!

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       You woke up on a large, soft bed. "Wh- what happened? Where- am I?" You muttered, bleary-eyed. "Good, you're awake. I'll give you some time to ready yourself. We have questions for you and Sun Wukong." a new voice stated. You swiftly sat up to see the owner of the voice. A young man started walking out the room. He had a brilliant red sleeveless top on with golden armor over top of it. He also had on sky blue pants on with a pink skirt? that was shaped like flower petals. His shoes looked like roller skates but with one wheel instead of four, and a long royal red ribbon floating around his strong arms and back. His hair was black and pulled up into to Chinese warrior buns.

       The hair reminded you of the Disney movie Mulan. He turn his face to you. He was- wow! His eyebrows were neat and clean, his eyes a gorgeous dark brown with flecks of deep dark pink! He had a red circle above each eyebrow and a stern, but calm face on him. He was beautiful! What are you thinking!?! You don't even know who he is! You can't crush on the first cute boy you see!  "I suggest you get ready swiftly." He spoke. His voice was- oh! so beautiful! It was strong, young, bold, determined, and silky all at once! Stop it! Focus!

       He closed the door behind him. You slipped out of the bed and looked around the room. It was HUGE!!! You saw a mirror and walked over to it. You weren't surprised to see that you looked dead tired, but you were surprised to see that you didn't look much like you anymore. You were a Lego! A FREAKING LEGO figure!!! You looked at your hands, they were cup hands,  just like Legos! What the flipper-flapper happened?! How did this happen?  You stared at yourself for a moment, then washed up a bit.

         Once you were ready, you tried to open the door. It was locked, though. Your eyes widened. Were you locked in here on purpose? Why? What's going on? How do you get out of here? How are you going to get home? You started to panic. You shook the door. Pushed it. Pulled it. Kicked it! It wouldn't budge. You curled up on the ground, hugging your legs, resting your head on your knees, and began to cry. You were terrified! So many questions and no answers, you hated this feeling! You felt... helpless, scared, pathetic, stupid. Why did you have to go outside last night? How did you get here? Who was trustworthy here? Were you a prisoner? For how long? Why? Where were you?

      A hand placed itself on your shoulder. You looked up. The young man from earlier was kneeling beside you. "Are you alright?" He asked. You looked away, hugged your legs tighter, and shook your head. You wiped away your tears with one hand then whispered "no." He stared sternly at you then sighed. "Why don't you tell me about yourself." He suggested. You kept quiet, instead. He couldn't blame you. You were scared. A whole long moment pasted before he broke the ice. "My name is Ne Zha. You're in the Celestial Realm. How did you get here? Not just anyone can come here." He asked as he watched you. You looked at him surprised! His name is what? I'm where now? Huh, wha?

      "Uh... I- I'm... Uhm..." You were more confused about this than a persons description of a platypus could ever be. "I'm confused." You finally said. "I'm where now?" You asked. He sighed "You're in the Celestial Realm. A realm where only gods and immortals can come freely and enjoy themselves, unless you're Wukong." "Who?" "Wukong." You looked at him like he was speaking a foreign tongue. He groaned, "Monkey King? Does that sound familiar?" You nodded. "He's the giant monkey that can talk." You told him. He snorted at your vague but accurate description of the Great Sage.

        "Yes. Monkey King is Sun Wukong." He explained. That made a whole lot more sense, now. "Do you know how you got here?" Ne Zha asked you. You shook your head and said "I- I was just taking a walk when... I don't know. I just- felt a breeze- like someone running- and... then there was- just- Boom! Monkey King!" You tried to explain, but you mentally face palmed. That was the worst explanation ever!  "Hmm... That- makes sense." You looked at him, bug eyed, jaw ajar. "That does?! How does that make sense when even I don't understand it?!" You asked him. "It's both a long story and a well guarded secret. I apologize for not being able to explain." He said, then stood up. "This will be your quarters until things are straightened out." He referred to the room. "Others will bring you meals when requested, as well as other needs at your command, but you are not to leave this room unless instructed otherwise."

       Ne Zha started floating to the door. "W- wait!" You called. He stopped and turned to you. "My- my name is Y/n." you stuttered. He gave a small smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n." he said. He exited the room. Wait. Huh? What? How?!

( Here is what you character looks like! FYI: the white is whatever color you'd like it to be!)

( Here is what you character looks like! FYI: the white is whatever color you'd like it to be!)

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