The Analyst: Session One

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Those in the room were given no time to grieve as the screen kept playing.

An area that looked to be an office was the next scene to be shown on screen. There was even a large wooden desk that had a nameplate on it that said, "Dr. A.J. Hill."

A man, most likely Dr. Hill, was standing by a window with a teacup in hand.

Suddenly he turns around and starts walking over as he also starts talking.

"Before we begin there are a few things I need to make sure you understand. You see, no one can change what happened last year. The past is beyond our control. You have to accept this in order to move forward. But there is freedom in this revelation. Everything you do, every decision you make from now on, will open doors to the future. I want you to remember this. I want you to remember this as you play your game. Every single choice will affect your fate and the fate of those around you."

Dr. Hill is now sitting at his desk as he stares straight ahead. It is like he is looking straight at those that are watching him.

Everyone in the room is slightly uncomfortable at the stare Dr. Hill seems to be pinning on them.

After a couple seconds of silence, Dr. Hill starts talking again.

"So, you have committed to commence with this 'game.' This is significant. And I want to help you see it through. Sometimes... Sometimes these things can be a little scary... even terrifying... but I am here to make sure that no matter how upsetting things may get, you will always find a way to work through it."

Looking down at a notebook in his lap, Dr. Hill flips a page as he says, "Alright. We will start with a simple exercise." He then picks up a thick piece of paper and slides it across the desk. "Could you please pick up the card? And I want you to look at the picture on the other side, and tell me what you feel about it. It is essential that you answer honestly in order to get the most out of this experience."

Suddenly an arm with a long, black sleeve and a hand wearing a black glove reach out and grab the card.

Everyone in the room is immediately confused. Ryan and Sam exchange weirded-out looks before they look at the others in the room and see that they all wear the same expressions.

The mystery hand flips the card over to reveal a cornfield with a scarecrow in it and a red barn in the background.

Sam stiffens at the familiar sight in front of her. Ryan feels this and looks down in confused worry. Whispering she asks, "You alright?" Sam hesitates in answering, but eventually gives Ryan a slow nod as she says, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Ryan knew she wasn't telling the truth, but thought better than to bring it up in that moment.

The mystery hand puts the card down after a couple of seconds. When the card is lying flat on the desk Dr. Hill uncaps a pen and asks, "So... how did that picture make you feel? Remember be honest."

Two options are suddenly seen on the screen. "I feel uneasy." and "It makes me happy."

The mystery person doesn't talk, but the option for "I feel uneasy" seems to be selected as Dr. Hill says, "Okay... Honesty is good. But what do you think it is that makes you feel... uneasy?"

Again, two options are shown. "The scarecrow." and "I'm not sure."

The mystery person must say "I'm not sure" because Dr. Hill says, "If it is something you cannot see, then why does it make you feel uneasy? I mean, is there something in the house?"

"It's in the house." and "It's not there." are shown.

"It's not there." is picked and Dr. Hill replies, "Huh. So if it's not in the house then where do you think it is? Can it be in the field?"

The only option for the mystery person is "It's in the field." To this, Dr. Hill says, "I see... and is this threat human, or is there some... other fear that you would like to talk to me about?"

"It's human." and "It's not human." are the options this time.

The mystery person must say "It's not human" because Dr. Hill says, "An inhuman threat. That's fascinating." He takes a few notes and then asks, "Is this threat... real? Or is it something... in your imagination?"

The mystery person answered, "It's in my head." Dr. Hill writes a few more things down before he sets his notebook down on the desk.

Looking straight ahead again he says, "Ah. You seem to possess a very active imagination. Perhaps we explore your fears a bit further in the next session. I'm afraid... We've run out of time."

Dr. Hill then stands up, grabs his teacup, and walks back over to his previous place at the window. He even starts humming a tune as he stands there.

As the screen fades to black Ryan voiced what everyone else was probably thinking.

"What the actual fuck was that?!"

Mike and Jess were the ones to verbally respond as they said, "Took the words right outta my mouth." and "Seriously, like, talk about creepy."

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