The Analyst: Session Two

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Sam and Ryan had no time to question Mike's reaction, and Mike had no time to freak out as the screen slowly lit back up.

Dr. Hill is seen standing at his window once again.

There is now a large chair to his left and the room, an office setting with an abnormally large, stone fireplace in the back, is only lit by the moonlight streaming in through the blinds on the window.

Dr. Hill turns around and starts to walk over to his desk as he says, "Hello again... And how are we feeling?"

He turns on the desk lamp before leaning on his desk and saying, "It seems we hardly scratched the surface in our last session. So let's go a bit deeper this time..."

Dr. Hill sits down and leans back in his chair for a second. Then he sits forward and opens a drawer of the desk, grabbing something, as he says, "This time we're going to try to understand the root of your anxiety." He has a book in his hands that he opens and then slides across the desk. Looking straight forward, like he is staring at the watchers through the screen, Dr. Hill says, "Now pick up that book, turn the pages. You will see a set of pictures and symbols. I want you to identify which image in each set makes you the most anxious."

Ryan perks up a bit and turns to Sam as she quickly whispers, "I've done this!" Sam chuckles as she replies, "Of course you have."

The mystery person glances down as they reach forward, still wearing the black glove, and picks up the book.

The screen pauses for a couple of seconds as the words "Men worry me" and "Women worry me" pop up.

The option "Men worry me" is obviously chosen by the mystery person due to their index finger pointing to the picture of a man in the book.

As the page is turned a picture of a plane and a picture of a crowd are shown.

"Planes scare me" and "Crowds scare me" are the options this time.

"Planes scare me" is quickly chosen.

Sam leans on Ryan as she asks, "What happens if both options apply to you?" Ryan sighs before answering, "You just have to pick whichever one you feel more strongly towards." "Damn."

The page is turned again. This time there is a first-person point-of-view picture of someone looking down as they stand at the top of a skyscraper and a hand sticking out of water.

"I fear heights" and "I fear drowning" are the two options.

Mike nervously chuckled as he asked, "Uh is 'both' an option?"

Others in the room nervously laughed with him, but they also seemed to be wondering the same thing.

Ryan turned around in her seat as she shrugged and said, "If there was a third option most people would probably choose that. There would never be definitive diagnoses if all people did was opt out of choosing what really scared them."

Mike wore a thoughtful expression, which surprised most others in the room, as he took in what Ryan said. Nodding his head in acknowledgment he then asked, "Which would you choose then?" Ryan smirked at him, knowing without hesitation what her answer would be. With ease, she replied, "Easy. Drowning."

As Ryan turned back around Mike couldn't help but let a small smile work its way onto his lips. If he had to pick one of the options he would have picked drowning too. He liked having something in common with Ryan.

Even if it was something as morbid as being scared of drowning.

The mystery person ended up picking "I fear drowning."

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