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Several loud thumps hit the floor of an unknown room all at the same time.

Slowly waking and moving into a sitting position, while hissing as she rubs the now sore spot on the side of her head, Ryan Blackwell looks around in utter confusion. One moment she and her girlfriend were boarding a bus to Blackwood Mountain, the next they were magically transported to wherever they were currently.

Remembering her girlfriend, Ryan makes the mistake of whipping her head back and forth to look around the room. Near instantaneously she has to stop moving and close her eyes. Due to her impact on the floor, she had just made herself dizzy to the point of almost throwing up.

Opening her eyes, Ryan surveys the mystery room, now recognizable as a theater, much slower than her initial attempt. She lets out a quiet breath of relief when she sees that eight other people are on the floor as well. That relief didn't last long though as she recognized the leather jacket and fluffy winter hat of her girlfriend. Once again forgetting about her mildly throbbing brain, Ryan quickly pushes off the floor.

For a couple seconds, Ryan had to stand stock still and regain her bearings. Once she didn't feel like her guts would explode out of her mouth she quickly moved so that she was at her girlfriend's side. Kneeling, she reached out a hand and gently shook the shoulder that wasn't currently planted on the floor. It only took a couple seconds for the passed-out girl to wake up, and when her eyes opened she said a raspy, "Ryan?" The redhead gently grasped one of her girlfriend's hands to help her sit up as she responded, "Yeah, Sam. It's me."


Once Sam was awake and coherent enough to see the unbelievably fucked up situation they were thrust into, she and Ryan started going around the room and poking, or lightly kicking in Ryan's case, the other people in the room awake.

As Ryan was about to tap a brunette man with the toe of her chunky black boot she paused. Tilting her head and wearing a quizzical expression, she quietly asked Sam, "Hey, is this one Mike? The one you went rock climbing with that one time?" Turning around from her place shaking someone's shoulder, Sam glanced down at who Ryan was asking about. A brief smile pulled at her lips before she focused on Ryan's questioning face. "Yep, that's him. Micheal Munroe." Ryan glanced back down at the man lying on the ground in front of her. In a mumbled voice, but still loud enough for Sam to hear, she said, "Huh, cute." She then shrugged and tapped him with the toe of her boot just like with the other people she had started waking up.


As people kept waking up the noise level in the room became progressively louder.

Sam had quietly informed Ryan of everyone's names as they started shuffling around. Apparently, they were the group of friends Sam had been with one year ago on Blackwood Mountain. Joshua Washington, Micheal Munroe, Jessica Riley, Ashley Brown, Christopher Hartley, Emily Davis, and Matthew Taylor. Of course, Sam had also said that the boys all go by shortened versions of their first names, which made Ryan snort in amusement, but that wasn't the redhead's main concern at the moment.

What Ryan Blackwell was quickly getting agitated over was the yelling freakout happening right in front of her. Yeah, they were in an impossible scenario, but seriously, did people have to freak out and start screaming about it?

Having had enough, Ryan cleared her throat, knowing it would go unheard due to the loud voices from everyone else, and then took a step forward clapping her hands and yelling, "Hey! Everyone shut up!"

Quickly enough the loud voices around the room quieted down.

The room didn't stay quiet though as the girl Ryan now knew as Emily threw a hand up in her direction and accusingly asked, "Who the hell are you?" Ryan, never being one to take someone's bullshit, took another step forward as she crossed her arms and said, "Keep yelling and you just might fucking find out."

The aggressive response was enough to mildly shock Emily into silence. The rest of the room had widened eyes. Except for Jessica and Mike. The blonde and brunette duo stood and looked between the two women before sharing a pleased glance. Anyone who could shut Emily up was good in their books.

Seeing Ryan's tense shoulders, Sam stepped forward and gently grabbed her right wrist. One of her fingers moved to brush against the tattoo Ryan had of the word "breathe" on the thumb of that hand. Acknowledging the action, Ryan took a deep breath in before releasing it from her mouth. To thank Sam for the reminder she leaned down slightly and kissed the side of her head. This made Sam smile and playfully knock shoulders with her girlfriend.

Obviously not having known about the relationship, Chris happened to be the one to point between the two women and ask, "Uh, what was that?" He focused on Ryan then and asked, "Not to be, like, rude or anything, but who are you?"

Ryan looked down at Sam with a smirk as she jerked her head in the group's direction. Gulping slightly, Sam took a breath before facing everyone and saying, "Guys, this is Ryan... my girlfriend."

Ryan had thrown her right arm around Sam's shoulders as she spoke. She also kept a smirk painted on her lips as she observed everyone's reactions.

Pretty much everyone had the same reaction. Widened eyes paired with dropped jaws and silence. That was until Mike accidentally whispered, "Woah." Jessica had used the back of her hand to slap into his abdomen at his reaction. As everyone's attention quickly shifted to Mike he tried to brush off what he said with a cough and looking anywhere but at the couple that had just been revealed.

What only Ryan and Sam seemed to notice though was the very light giggles Jessica was covering with her hand as she laughed at Mike.


After Sam made her announcement people started searching for a way out of the room they had somehow been put in.

When no one found an exit, only bathrooms, food tables, and convenient rows of theater-like seats, they reconvened in the front of the room.

Emily looked like she was about to start yelling in protest when suddenly the large screen next to them all flickered on.

A couple of yelps of fright were let out, but no one could question anything as words started popping up on the screen.


I know none of this makes sense right now, and it could very well never make sense to you, but this has to happen.

Otherwise, all of you could die.

You have been put here to watch the events that would have occurred on Blackwood Mountain had you not been warned.

By avoiding this incident you can save yourself from SOME trauma, and SOME death.

Choose your actions carefully. Even the smallest decision can dramatically change your future.



Ryan looked from the screen, to Sam, and back to the screen before she scrubbed a hand down her face and grumbled, "What the actual fuck is going on?!" Everyone else had to have the same reaction because looking around Ryan saw their absolutely flabbergasted faces.

Since they already checked for exits, several times, everyone in the room ended up defeatedly tossing themselves into the comfy theater seats.

Weirdly, the lights around them dimmed as soon as everyone was seated. Even weirder was when the screen automatically turned on as well.

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