Chapter 5: Nightmare Candy

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Third Pov.

George was completely unaware of what was happening. He had been soundly dozing in his bed one moment when he suddenly sensed something unusual. It appeared as though someone had prodded his feet with something pointier rather than their fingers as if they had pierced the fabric of his socks and gone right through to the skin of his feet. He started tossing and turning a little, but even then, the prickling persisted, and even that wasn't enough to stir him up. As something hefty finally climbed into bed with him, George finally let out a huff.

The thing appeared to be sitting directly on top of his chest. Nevertheless, he was aware of the significant weight disparity. It was not an object. It had a human-like quality to it.

"Uh, what the fuck?" George uttered his words after heaving a grunt, his body being affected by the unexpected weight he felt on his chest. He felt as though someone was sitting on top of him and pressing down on his chest with their weight. George tried to open his eyes, but no matter how hard he tried, it just felt impossible. All he could see was endless blackness all around him, and they felt stuck together.

George then experienced a startling chill up his spine as he felt two hands softly but steadily tighten around the side of his face, as though the person seated on his chest was attempting to crush his face. George finally got his chance to open his eyes.

He was in his room, but something didn't feel right. One problem was that the room was nearly completely dark, making it difficult for him to see anything at all. The outer sky was... excessively dark, which was the second thing he noticed. As George approached the window, his eyes gradually became wider as he raised his gaze to the sky. There were clouds and, strangely enough, a moon, but the moon was flaming red, a pure, scorching, hot red color. It was black, but it was too dark; there were no stars.

"Dude, what the fuck?" George murmured under his breath as he struggled to comprehend what he was witnessing. Then, out of nowhere, a bolt of reddish thunder shook the earth, terrifying him to death.

Using his arms as a barrier, George yelled. "Ah, shit!" He shouted. The black clouds began rumbling something inside of them after that thunderclap, and it gave forth a reddish glow. "What the hell is going on?!" As he saw the remainder of the area, George's head was filled with questions. The lights in many of the houses would occasionally be on, but this time, none of them were, and they were all just completely silent. "George..." George heard a voice calling out to him, and he quickly gasped. It had a womanly sound about it.

George, on the other hand, chose not to respond and instead took a gradual turn toward his bedroom door, which was wide open. He is unsure of whether he opened it or not.

The unsettling female voice from the hallway commanded, "Don't be scared." Despite this, George remained silent and continued to stare out of the opening of his bedroom into the total blackness that enveloped the entire corridor. But then, it took place...

As a new pair of red-glowing eyes appeared in the blackness of the pitch-black hallway, George's respiration jerked and his eyes widened in dread. As he and the pair of eyes continued to stare at each other, sweat began to dribble down George's brow. Even so, George was unable to determine what type of intentions the mystery person in the hallway was harboring, especially because it was obvious that it was calling out to him. They didn't appear to harbor any instances of malice.

Then it sprung into action! As what George could only describe as a demon from hell leaped at him from the shadowy hallway, he screamed in terror. The thing in question had its distinctive red-glowing eyes, but George could now see its body because of the red-glowing moon outside. It was tall, of course; whatever it was, it was a monster straight out of a nightmare, so it had to be tall, though primarily due to its digitigrade legs. Its black fur was illuminated by the red-glowing moon outside, which cast a reddish hue on it. It had claws that were as long as its teeth, which were edged, pointed, and unmistakably deadly.

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