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In the dance practice room, after everyone left, Soonyoung was sitting alone, crying his heart out.

"So he really don't care". Soonyoung cried hugging his knees.

Suddenly he heard the door unlocking, he tried to wipe as much as tears possible. He is not sure how he will manage to answer the person who have just entered. He got up and looked at the one who just entered.

"Everyone decided to eat out. What are you doing here alone?" Soonyoung can recognise the voice very well, as this person was the only reason of him crying in the first place.

"I don't wanna eat, I'll go to dorm by myself". Soonyoung replied looking down.
The person just stepped closer, bringing his hand to Soonyoung's chin and lifting his face.

Soonyoung's eyes met the other one's but he quickly looked away.

"Look at me Hoshiyaa". The other person ordered. Hoshi slowly looked back at him.

"Mind telling me the reason of you crying?" The person asked raising his eyebrow.

"What if I don't want to?" Hoshi asked back.

"Why wouldn't you? You can tell me anything, isn't that's what friends do?"

"Friends? Are we really? Wonwoo?".

"Hoshi, if we are not friends, then what are we?" Wonwoo asked looking intimidating.

"I don't know, it more feels like we are strangers Wonwoo". Hoshi replied looking away.

"Why do you think like that?" Wonwoo asked.

"Why? You say.  You have changed Wonwoo, you have changed completely. You don't act like you used to do before our debut". Hoshi said looking back into Wonwoo's eyes with his teary one.

"What I used to do back then Hoshi?' Wonwoo asked getting more closer.

"You......... You used to hug me freely, like what all friends do. You used to play with me, sometimes teasing me, with biting or doing anything to annoy me. You used to stay close to me but now you even avoid to sit next to me". Hoshi told. Everything that was in his mind.

"So you want me to hug you? Like this?" Wonwoo asked pulling Hoshi closer by his waist, their chests making fraction with each other as Hoshi's hands rested on Wonwoo's shoulder. Hoshi was surprised with sudden closeness.

"Wonwoo what ar....."

"I used to bite right? Like this". Wonwoo said moving his lips to Hoshi's neck and then biting it. Unknowingly a moan escape from Hoshi's mouth. Wonwoo just smirk over older's skin.

"Wonwoo, what are you doing?" Hoshi said pushing him a little away.

"Why? Don't you want me to act like old me? You want me to be close to you. Is this fine?" Wonwoo said getting really closer, that Hoshi can feel Wonwoo's breath on his lips.

"Wonwoo..... I". Hoshi looked at Wonwoo and he couldn't say anything more. He just stayed silent, just looking at Wonwoo. A smirk appeared on Wonwoo's lips and he closed the small gap between them. Pressing his lips against Hoshi's.

Hoshi was caught off guard by sudden kiss. He just didn't know how to react so all he did was staying still.

How much he was longing for Wonwoo's touch. How he always wants to be close to Wonwoo. How he always finds a reason to be near him. He have been so sad when Wonwoo avoid him.

How he has been keeping his feelings for Wonwoo from 5 years. He realised he likes Wonwoo more than a friend when Wonwoo started to avoid him. 3 years after their debut. Hoshi thought it's better that they avoid each other, so that his feelings for Wonwoo will die. But as the time pass, all the feelings just became more instead of dying. Hoshi can't keep it all to himself and he knows his closest members will find out sooner or later. And that's what happened, one day Seungkwan and Dokeyom finally asked him, if Hoshi is having some problems. And the poor boy burst out crying, and telling them how he is hurting everyday, seeing the one he loves getting away from him.

His two best friends gave him comfort and tried to help him to forget about Wonwoo, but one eye contact with the younger and the feelings will automatically come back. Wonwoo did act friendly when in front of fans or at any shoot or broadcast, but when there is no one watching, he will not even bother to ask Hoshi even a small thing. That's why Hoshi is shocked by the kiss.

Wonwoo pulled away, locking his eyes with Hoshi.

"You want this. And now I'll not control myself anymore Hoshiyaa. You are mine. And I'm the only one who can do this to you. Got it?" Wonwoo said dominantly.

Hoshi just look at him all confused. Wonwoo just smiled, pecking his lips.
"We should go and join others". Wonwoo pulled Hoshi's hand taking him out of the practice room.

"Did he just kissed me?" Hoshi mumbled touching his lips.


Again with a new Soonwoo book.

I love Soonwoo, and I can't stop myself from writing about them, so enjoy.

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