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Hoshi opened his cupboard and decided to arrange his clothes. He was taking out some clothes when he suddenly felt a pair of arms around his waist.

He flinch. "Who are you?" He asked turning his head a little but sigh realising it's Wonwoo.
"Ohh Wonwoo, you scared me". He said.

"Why? Does others also hold you by your waist?" Wonwoo asked kissing Hoshi's neck.

"Ohh Wonwoo, why would anyone want to touch me?" Hoshi said doing his work, even though he was going insane from inside.

"Hoshiyaa, you don't know how hot you are and many people wants you".

"Stop with your too expensive compliments. I need to clean my room". Hoshi release himself from Wonwoo's arms. Walking to the chair were many of Hoshi's clothes were laying abounded.

Wonwoo sigh sitting on Hoshi's bed with a pouty face. Hoshi smiled at his cute expression and started with folding his clothes.

"Hoshiyaa, come to me". Wonwoo said opening his arms for a hug.

"No Wonwoo, I need to clean my room". Hoshi refused focusing on his work.

"Hoshi baby, come to me".


"Ammm please".

"If I come to you then who will do this work?" Hoshi asked putting his hands on his hips.

"Amm I'll do it".

Hoshi laugh. "Come on Won, you can't even clean your own room. It's always Mingyu who do the cleaning. And you are saying, you'll do everything".

"If I promise to clean your room, will you come to me?" Wonwoo asked opening his arms wider. Hoshi made a thinking face and smiled, Running to Wonwoo and hugging him tightly.

Wonwoo close his eyes hugging his baby Youngie tightly. Wonwoo made Hoshi sit on his lap, cuddling the older.
He moved his mouth to Hoshi's ear, whispering "Be totally mine Hoshiyaa". And then nibbles his ear. Hoshi gasp at the sensetion. He looked at Wonwoo, if Wonwoo was horny then Hoshi's eyes were also filled with lust. He nodded, making Wonwoo happy.

Warning ⚠️ Smut

Wonwoo quickly smash his lips on Hoshi's. Changing their position from sitting to laying. Their lips fitting each other's so well. Wonwoo bite Hoshi's lower lip which made the older gasp, Wonwoo took the apportunity, inserting his tongue. The kiss made both of them breathless.

Wonwoo took off Hoshi's Tshirt and again connected their lips. Wonwoo trailed the kisses from Hoshi's mouth to his jaw, then his neck, sucking the skin, leaving some prominent marks but he didn't marks on normally visible area. He knows if someone sees it, Hoshi might get questioning.

Wonwoo kissed Soonyoung's hard nipples making the older let out a moan which he was holding for a long time. Wonwoo smiled over the older's skin and licking it, making Hoshi go crazy. Hoshi couldn't control his moans anymore, he is kinda proud person and he doesn't want to look like a softy by moaning, that's why he was holding his moans, but he gave in as Wonwoo was making him go insane.

Every time Wonwoo's mouth work on Hoshi's skin, the older will moan. Which pleased the younger so much, wanting to hear those moans again and again.
Wonwoo kissed all the upper body of Soonyoung, now he started to slide down older's pants.

Hoshi quickly took a pillow, hiding his face behind it. Wonwoo took off all the clothes from Hoshi's body, making him naked. Hoshi was now embarrass. Even though his body is perfectly built, but still he thinks it's nothing in comparison to Wonwoo's.

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