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Are you feeling alright?
Please take medicines on time
I miss you.

Why don't you reply?
Are you busy?

Off course you must be busy.
I hope you are having fun with your family.

Please be back soon.
I miss you Hoshi.

Wonwoo sigh as he has sent many massages from morning. But none of them got seen.

He might be busy. Wonwoo thought putting the phone aside as a sigh release from his throat.

"What's wrong?" Mingyu asked taking a seat beside him, Wonwoo look at him and smiled.

"Nothing, from tomorrow we need to be back with work". Wonwoo lied.

"That's true". Mingyu said relaxing beside the older.

"So how's it going?" Wonwoo started.

"What?" Mingyu asked with smile.

"You and your crush. You didn't even thank me about other day. I gave you an excuse to be with Minghao". Wonwoo said narrowing his eyes.

"With him, everything is going slowly but good. I hope that he'll see my love one day". Mingyu said with a small smile. "And thank you for the other day".

"I have to help you. You are my favourite dongsaeng after Dino". Wonwoo replied.

"Yeah yeah I know...." Mingyu said playfully rolling his eyes. "By the way, what happened to your crush? Did you confess yet?" Mingyu asked excited.

"I did, and guess what? He feels the same". Wonwoo replied with a wide grin.

"You are dating a member now and didn't even tell me. How mean? Now tell me asap who it is?" Mingyu asked looking at him.

"He is....."

"Hyung..... Oww sorry I disturbed you two. Jeonghan hyung is calling you, he ordered pizza". Seungkwan said a little awkward as he thinks he caught them having a moment.

"Pizza? I'm so hungry. Hyung let's go". Mingyu said excitedly holding Wonwoo's hand. Wonwoo smiled at him and nodded. Seungkwan showed a fake smile and walked away first.

Hoshi was sat on the sofa watching whatever playing on tv.

"Boooo". He sister shouted beside him, in an attempt to scare him. But the younger was so lost in his thoughts to even notice it.

"Yaaa get scared when I try to scare you". His sister complains hitting his head. Hoshi look at her and remembered that he is here to feel at ease and not to worry about Wonwoo.

He smiled and pull her hairs. "How dare you hit me". He complains too.

"Yaa you hit your Noona". She said and started to hit him again. Hoshi also didn't give up and started to hit her. They both acting like a little kid.

"Eomma tell your son, he is hitting me". Hoshi's sister shouted, once again hitting Hoshi's shoulder.

"Eomma, Noona started first". Hoshi complains hitting her back.

"Yaa you two, how old are you to act like this?" Their mother asked putting her hands on her hips.

"It's your son, says he is idol for others and acting like this with his sister". Hoshi's sister said.

"Noona, you are mean". Hoshi pouted. Hoshi's sister and mother giggled hugging him from both sides.

"Aww uri horanghi gets upset". His mother said pecking his cheeks.

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