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Hoshi has been smiling like an idiot these days.

"Yaa Hoshi hyung, we need to have a serious discussion". Dokeyom said crashing into Hoshi's room, Seungkwan tailing behind.

"Oww oww oww, control guys. What's the matter?" Hoshi said still smiling.

"What's going on between you and Wonwoo hyung?" Seungkwan asked folding his arms and raising his eyebrow.

"You also owe me a thank you by the way". Dokeyom added.

"Hehe, thank you so much Keyomie. And between me and Wonwoo, we are together".


Hoshi covered his ears as his friends are really loud.

"How? When? Where?". They said at the same time.
Hoshi told them that everything happens.

"Ohhh hyung, I'm so happy for you. Finally the booseoksoon got their Nonsoowoo". Seungkwan cheered happily.

"Nonsoowoo???? Can't you think of any better name Kwanaaa". Dokeyom rolled his eyes but then the three ended up just laughing together. They hugged each other being happy for each other.

Wonwoo and Hoshi are infront of their dorm's door, sneaking out to have their rooftop date.

They went to rooftop hand in hand, sitting on the mat and covering themselves with the blanket, Hoshi has brought along.

"Wonwoo, the sky is pretty right?" Hoshi said looking at the beautiful sky with many stars.

"Yeah there are many stars too, but my favourite one is Hoshi". Wonwoo said hugging the older. Hoshi just smiled shyly, leaning into the younger's touch.


"Hmmm?" Wonwoo mumbled still holding the older close to himself.

"You know, I have been loving you since 5 years now".

"Really? Then why didn't you said anything?"

"I was afraid, I thought you don't have the same feelings as me". Soonyoung told him, looking down.


"Yes Wonu?"

"Have this feelings only for me okay". Wonwoo said looking at the older, who was also looking at him. Hoshi smiled and nodded, Wonwoo smiled too and kissed him again.

Days are passing by Wonwoo and Hoshi having their secret moments without members knowing. Except from Seungkwan and Dokeyom though.

Today Wonwoo playfully smack Hoshi's butt when he was taking a break after practice.

They always have this secret moments which made Hoshi love his every day.
He is just so happy that he still thinks it all as a dream.

After comeback it was now their rest time, which the members loves the most. It's not that they don't like working, they love when they are with carats and working hard for them. But as a human being they feels tired and needs break to relax. That's what they were doing now.

After dinner they decided to watch a movie.
Hoshi helped Mingyu in making some popcorns and bringing it to others.

Hoshi saw there was an empty place beside Wonwoo, Mingyu sitting other side of Wonwoo. Hoshi was going to take that empty seat beside Wonwoo but he heard his name being called by Jeonghan.

"Hoshiyaa, come here baby". Jeonghan said opening his arms.
Hoshi glance at Wonwoo, who looks a little annoyed. Hoshi can't avoid the situation so he smiled at Jeonghan, sitting beside him cuddling with him.

Everyone knows Hoshi is Jeonghan's another baby after Dino so yeah Jeonghan can be affectionate towards him sometimes. And it was one of that time. Even though Hoshi was cuddling with older, his eyes were on Wonwoo, who was surely annoyed.

Hoshi wanted to go to him, but suddenly Dino also came and lay beside Hoshi, resting his head on older's lap.
"Hoshi hyung". He said showing affection. Hoshi smiled, ruffling younger's hairs.

"Hyung, let's go out tomorrow. I want to buy new shoes". Dino said. Hoshi was going to agree but he looked at Wonwoo, who shook his head.
Hoshi now wonder how to reject the younger.

"Amm Dinoyaa, hyung sorry, but I have to clean my room tomorrow. How about you take Seungkwan and Vernon with you?" He suggested making an excuse.

"Ammm but I wanted to go with you, but it's fine we can go somewhere other time. So Seungkwan and Vernon hyung you guys are coming, right?" He asked glancing at the two, who were trying to force a smile.

Hoshi made a pleasing face to Seungkwan and the younger don't have other choice.
"Yeah sure Dino". Seungkwan said making the youngest happy.
"Yey". Dino cheered.

"Cheollie hyung, can you handle this hyung. He is cuddling so much?" Hoshi asked knowing that if he don't stop Jeonghan now, Scopus might get jealous.

"Jeonghan, stop bothering your youngers. Come here sit with me". Scopus called Jeonghan who made a pouty face, but the booseoksoon know how happy he was from inside.

"Now you should cuddle with me". Jeonghan said making it look like he is sulking but most of them know that it's just an excuse to cuddle with Scopus.

Hoshi was sitting with Dino's head on his lap. Suddenly Wonwoo got up, going to kitchen. There, he just drank a glass of water and came back. But instead of sitting on his original place, Wonwoo just sat beside Hoshi.

Hoshi knew, Wonwoo wanted to sit beside him for a long time but finally they are sitting beside each other. Everyone were so emerge in the movie that no one noticed how Wonwoo's hand trailed inside Hoshi's tshirt from back. Hoshi bite his lower lip, closing his eyes at the sensetion of the younger's cold finger on his back.

He looked at Wonwoo, raised an eyebrow at him playfully. Soonyoung actions him with his eyes to stop. But Wonwoo wasn't in the mood to listen.
He slowly move his hand from Hoshi's back to his waist.
Hoshi almost flinch at the touch. He might even have let out a moan if others weren't around.

Soonyoung again looked at Wonwoo, making a please face. Wonwoo smiled and mounted a quick okay, taking out his hand from Hoshi's tshirt. Hoshi quickly held that hand of Wonwoo, intertwining their fingers. Hoshi did that for two reasons, firstly he wanted to hold Wonwoo's hand and secondly he was scared that Wonwoo will again tease him.

Next day somehow everyone were out except from Hoshi and Wonwoo.

Jeongcheol and SeokSoo were out for a double date, Dino went for shopping with verkwan couple, Woozi went to his studio and surprisingly Jun company him. And as for Mingyu and Minghao, Wonwoo struggle most to send them out.

Minghao don't have any plans so he was resting in the living room. So, Wonwoo decided of a really good plan.

"Amm Mingyu, wasn't there a restaurant, you want to take Minghao?" Wonwoo started the conversation.

"Ahhh..... Ohhh.... Yes hyung". Mingyu replied stuttering a little.

"A restaurant? Why don't you take Wonwoo hyung there Mingyu? I'll accompany Hoshi hyung here". Minghao said.

"Minghao, I've already went to that restaurant with Mingyu. And that's why I suggested him to take you there. Really, Mingyu is good at choosing restaurants, you should go with him". Wonwoo said, trying to somehow convince Minghao. Mingyu also look at Minghao with a hope. The younger give it a thought but agreed.

Now finally it was only Hoshi and Wonwoo. Wonwoo was happy and proud that he managed to finally be alone with his Soonyoung.

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