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"What? Wonwoo hyung kissed you? Even confess? Wohh just get married dude". Minghao said playfully hitting Mingyu's arm.

"Are you that happy about it?" Mingyu asked.

"Off course I am".

Hoshi was stunned to talk, what he just heard. Wonwoo kissed Mingyu? Then what about him? Seungkwan and Dokeyom exchange a worried look.

They decided to make their presence by making some noise.

"Ledies and gentlemen, they call us".



"Soon". The Soon part was half hearted.

"Ohh you guys are back?" Minghao asked, acting like they weren't just talking about Mingyu's crush a minute ago.

"Yeah. We are tired. We would like to go back to our rooms". Seungkwan answered, taking Hoshi back to his room.

"What does Mingyu mean by that? Why would Wonwoo hyung kiss him? Don't he love you?" Dokeyom said annoyed.

"He never said I love you to me". Hoshi said looking at his hands.

"What do you mean by that hyung? He basically slept with you. Did he used you?" Seungkwan asked angrily.

"I don't know. I don't know anything, I don't....." Hoshi cried.

"Let's wait for Wonwoo hyung and ask him the truth. How dare he take advantage of you?" Dokeyom said sternly but Hoshi shook his head.

"Dokeyomaaa please, not right now. I'm scared.....what ........ What if he says he loves Mingyu?" Hoshi asked crying more.

"Hyung, but he has to answer us. We need to tell him that he can't just use you". Seungkwan said hugging him. Dokeyom also join the hug.

"Please, not now. I need some time to accept the truth. Please". Both Seungkwan and Dokeyom look at each other and nod.

"Fine, we will not say anything. But don't worry hyung, we'll always be with you". Dokeyom said and they stayed like that for some time.

Wonwoo returns back with Jeongcheol couple and Joshua,Vernon and Dino.He as soon as entered, started to look for Hoshi, but pouted when he couldn't find him.

"Where are rest of them members?" He asked sitting beside Mingyu.

"Jihoon hyung and Jun hyung aren't back yet, booseoksoon were tired and went to bed early". Mingyu told him.

"Dokeyom was tired?"

"Seungkwan too?" Both Joshua and Vernon asked immediately.

"Wohhh what's with you two?" Minghao asked.

"Just worried". Vernon shrugged going to his room.

"Ohh Vernonah, I need to talk to you". Wonwoo said and with that excuse he followed Vernon in their room.

He saw Hoshi fondly sleeping and a smile appear on his face. He walked to him and kissed his forehead.
"You must be tired Hoshiyaa".

"Did you enjoyed a lot which made you tired Seokaa". Joshua said sitting beside sleeping Dokeyom.

"Can't I be the part of your enjoyment anymore? Why do you need to avoid me". He cried.

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