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"Guys you go ahead, I'll stay and work on some choreography". Hoshi told rest of the members.

"Overworking again? Hoshi hyung you should stop it". Dino complains.

"I agree with Dino. Hoshiyaa, you look tired, let's go back and rest. Same with you Woozi". Jeonghan told both of them.

"But hyu....."

"No buts, you two should listen to us". Scoups interrupted. "Working is good, but you should take rest too". He added.

Both the youngers sigh in defeat and nodded.

"I don't think they will let us work". Woozi said to Hoshi, who just look down and nodded.

"Let's go to a good restaurant and eat". Jun cheered.

After coming home, everyone went to their rooms.

But Wonwoo didn't, he went to Hoshi.

"Hoshiyaa, can we cuddle tonight?" He asked sitting beside the older.

"I don't want Mingyu to doubt you Wonwoo, please go back to your room". Hoshi told him.

"Hoshi why are you like this? He will not doubt, don't worry".

"Why? Did you lied to him?" Hoshi asked.

"Well no, but I will just sneak out when he is asleep". Wonwoo replied with a smile.

"You should not Wonwoo. It's not right".


"Just go back. I'm going to sleep".


The latter just ignored him and went to sleep. Wonwoo sigh and left the room. He needs to talk to Hoshi.

Wonwoo can tell that Hoshi has been avoiding him. But why? Did Wonwoo do something? He thinks it's too much and now he should talk to Hoshi seriously.

"Hoshiyaa, come with me, we need to talk". Wonwoo said walking to Hoshi who was helping Jeonghan and Mingyu with dinner.

"Wonwoo I'm busy, let's talk later". Hoshi said avoiding him.

"They can manage without you. Let's talk". Wonwoo said holding Hoshi's hand.

Hoshi pulled his hand away from Wonwoo's. Jeonghan and Mingyu were also confused by their behaviour.

"I said I'm busy Wonwoo".

"And I said we need to talk". Wonwoo said grabbing Hoshi's hand again and pulling him out of the kitchen.

"I don't want to talk Wonwoo". Hoshi shouted releasing his hand from younger's grip.

"Why don't you want to talk? Why are you avoiding me Hoshi?" Wonwoo too raise his voice. Which caught everyone's attention.

"Hyung, why are you forc...."

"You stay out of it Dokeyomaa". Wonwoo stopped Dokeyom from interrupting between them.

"Let's talk". Wonwoo said, this time holding Hoshi's wrist tightly that the older will not shrug it off again.

"Wonwoo stop, it hurts".

"Wonwoo let go of Hoshi, you are hurting him". Seungcheol interrupted, holding Wonwoo's hand.

"Sorry". Wonwoo let go of Hoshi's hand. "But he is not talking to me hyung. He has been avoiding me, and when I am trying to talk, he will not". Wonwoo reasons.

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