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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, slowly rising from my bed as I stand, rubbing my eyes.

I recently moved into my brothers apartment as my parents want to move to another state, and I couldn't possibly leave my best friend.

She has already come here a few times, and she loves the place.

I walked into my en-suite bathroom after grabbing my phone, brushing my teeth as I scroll through my messages.

Nila💕: omg, girl! It's our first day today!

My best friend is already awake, as usual. She is an early riser, usually waking around an hour before me.

Me: I know, I can't believe I had to wake up at 6:30!

Nila💕: It's not too bad, I mean atleast we get to see each other and the group. Xo.

Me: yes! I can't wait!

And with that, I switched off my phone, placing it on the counter top before dropping my clothes to the floor and showering.

Nila's coming over in about thirty minutes to help me get ready, since she has made it her mission to make sure I always look stunning, as she likes to say.

Twenty minutes go past, and I quickly get out of the shower, drying myself as I grab my phone to see new messages.

Nila💕: I have the best outfits for us!!

Me: yay! Can't wait xo.

I reply, reading my brothers message right after.

Vale🧟‍♂️: I'm getting breakfast, what do you want from the bakery?

My brothers name is actually Valentino, but his nickname is vale, it's a beautiful name either way.

My parents love unique and pretty names, that's where we got ours from.

Anyway, Vale is always, and I mean always checking on me, making sure I've slept well, making sure I'm eating, and so much more.

Me: an apple pie is fine. Love you!

Vale🧟‍♂️: love you too. Did you sleep well?


Me: you've asked me that everyday for the past five years,
Vale. I always have good sleep, and if I don't, I'll make sure to tell you.

I laugh when the three dots that indicate that he's typing show up and then disappear after a few seconds.

Knock knock knock.

Nila must be here, I think as I walk to the front door, opening it and greeting her with a big hug.

"I missed you so much, Nils!" I squeal, excitement rushing through my body as I squeeze her maybe just a little too tight.

"I missed you too, Lana, and as much as I love you,I really need you to let go. I can't breathe" she catches her breath as I slide away, inviting her in before closing the door behind her.

We both burst into laughter and then I show her to my room.

"Avery's throwing a party, we have to go!" She squeals.

"I haven't seen her in a while. Okay, we're going!" I jump.
Nila, Lily, Avery, and I have known each other since we were three, so we're all extremely close.

Vale is my twin brother, older by 5 minutes. We are identical apart from the fact that we are opposite genders, but if we were the same, no one would be able to tell us apart.


Nila and I are in matching outfits, 'black and white mixed around to form Ying and Yang, a symbol of our amazing friendship' as Nila said.

We have the exact same outfits on, apart from the colour.

I'm wearing a white, fitted crop with black, high-waisted ripped jeans, Nila wearing a black shirt the same as mine and a white version of my jeans.

We both have converse high-tops on, both pairs black. Her wearing gold jewellery whilst I wear silver.

Her dark, curly hair is left untouched, as she does not want it to go frizzy and become thicker. Her ocean blue eyes compliment her dark skin, and she is just flawless in my eyes. Aphrodite couldn't compare even as the greek godess of beauty and love herself.

I truly do love Nils, but she is always shoving me into these showy outfits. I mean, I love her style, but I just don't really like myself in them.

"Lana, you're doing it again, babes." She says, startling me as I come out of my thoughts.

"Doing what?" I ask, knowing exactly what she's talking about.

"You're over thinking. I know it's scary, but you are gorgeous, okay?" She asked giving me a stern look. I nodded and hugged her, knowing that her look had a meaning behind it that I would certain,y find out if I had of said or nodded no. Last time, she tickled me until I gave in.

We start laughing but quickly quiet down when we hear Vale yelling out to us.

"I'm back!" He yells

"Oh my God! You can share my apple pie with me!" I squeal as Nila's face lights up. Nila loves apple pie. I'm shocked she hasn't already run out to grab it and run back in if I'm being honest.



Word count: 930

Hi everyone!! Welcome to my first chapter.

This was honestly so hard to write even though it's so small!!! (which j apologise for)

I'm not sure how often I will be uploading but I honestly might just wait until I've completed this book so you guys might not see this for a while.

Anyway, I hope you all have/had a good day and I love you all xx


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