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We sat on a small hill, taking in the beautiful view visible from our school, Avery and Lily sitting across from Nila and I.

"My party is tonight, I was thinking we could leave school early and go shopping? Maybe you guys can come straight to mine after and we can get ready there!" Avery beamed.

I had completely forgotten about that, and there's no way I'm telling Avery.

"Sure" Lily smiled softly.

"Why not?" Nila said

"I would love to" I chipped in.

And with that, we all stood, giggling as we ran off to Avery's car.


We made our way into the third store as we glanced around. Holy shit. This place is really nice, I think.

As If she reads my mind, Nila looks at me and nods, her eyes wide. They had really nice dresses, rows and rows of beautiful party gowns.

I had wide eyes as I looked around, blinded by the sight.

"I'm going to look for a dress now, we can wait for each other here when we're done." I said, running off to an extremely nice row or dresses as their voices faded, leaving me alone in thought as I skimmed my eyes over the fabric.

My gaze landed on a beautiful blue dress, intricate designs covering it, however, it was much too formal, ending at the floor with ball gown features covering the front. I found another one almost instantly, a short, tight dress that reached mid thighs. It was white with small details.

It was perfect. Simple, yet perfect. It had little diamonds on the neckline, tiny little jewels adding a graceful touch to the dress.

The dress had spaghetti straps, making as much skin as possible visible.

I grabbed the dress, yanking it off of its rack before taking it to the cashier, stuffing it in a bag and meeting back with my friends who all had the exact same bags.

"Okay, last thing is looking for any extra jewellery, clothes, makeup, or shoes." Avery said as we walked out. I nodded in agreement as we continued on our shopping spree.


As we arrived at Avery's, I took my bags up to the spare room that she lets me share with Nils. We got to choose, of course.

I ended up buying some extra things for other times aswell, such as hair accessories, makeup, and so much more. God I love shopping.

Avery is the party thrower, Nils is the stylist, Lily is the planner, and I'm the one that just attends everything.

My family also throws balls, which I have to start doing soon, unfortunately. Just a normal day in the life of a Mafia princess.

I'm so excited for them to come back! They mean so much to me, and I honestly have no idea how I would live without them. Thank God they're my parents. I love my family.

Mama and papa have been so persistent on making sure I know that family is not always blood related, but can be chosen. I've know for as long as I can remember. Always being around Lily, Avery and Nils had taught me that long before my parents did. I love all of my family, even the ones that I've chosen. Especially them.

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