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Song: softcore - The neighbourhood

I watch as the man walks out of the stall, leaving me on the floor in a sobbing mess. My clothes are beside me on the cold tiles, blood trailing down my thighs as I move to sit on my knees.

He gives me one last look before leaving me completely alone as I rush to cover myself again. I pick up my clothing one by one, putting it on as fast as I can before attempting to stand.

The first few times I fail and fall, due to the pain in my legs. However, I'm able to after a few more tries.

I wobble as I walk, trying to focus on staying on my feet. I look in the bathroom mirror, only to be met with messy hair, red puffy eyes and tear trails on my face. My eyes sting from all of my crying, but I know I need to keep them open.

I wash my face and comb through my hair with my fingers, trying my best to make myself look presentable. When I'm done, I wipe my face with a paper towel, patting it dry as I make it look as if I was never crying. Then I leave the bathroom, walking straight towards the car as I exit the restaurant.

"What took you so long?" Avery asks worried as I open the car door.

"Ate too much so I was puking for ages." I lie, putting on a small, fake smile as I sit down. They will obviously think that I'm going to be tired or unhappy because I 'threw up', which gives me a perfect excuse to not be focussing at all during the ride.


"Thanks for coming guys, but I think I'm gonna have to cancel tonight. I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, I promise." I smile at the girls as I step out of the car. I'm home now.

"Don't worry about it, girl. We understand." Lily smiles at me as she speaks.

"Thanks again. I'll see you guys soon." I smile before shutting the car door and walking towards my brothers penthouse.

I hear music when the elevator opens to the entrance of the house, remembering that Vale decided to have the boys over nearly immediately as I step through the doors. Great.

I walk towards my room, having to go through the living room on the way, where Vale and his friends are.

"Hey sis." Vale says, but I know that if I talk I'll break down, so I just wave instead and rush upstairs to my room. I hear him calling up to me but ignore him, closing my bedroom door and locking it before sliding down it as I let out a sob.

My chest starts rising and falling rapidly and my breathing quickens. My throat becomes hoarse as I gasp for air, my head begging to feel light as it spins. I let out more and more sobs before my vision begins to get blurry, and my eyes droop.

The last thing I remember is hearing a banging behind me and yelling before my eyes shut completely, letting me drift off into the darkness.


I open my eyes to see Vale sitting up, holding me in his arms as he hums, we're in his bed.

He must've moved me to his room, but how did he get in to mine? I swear I locked the door...

"Alani?" He whispers as I zone back in, looking right up at him. "Hey, princess. How are you?" He asks sweetly, his face becoming kind with the slightest look of relief.

"I'm good, how did you get in my room?" I ask.

"I have the keys to every room in this house. Hey, I made the boys leave, but damian stayed. He's in the bathroom right now, but I can make him leave if you want." He says.

"No, it's okay. He can stay, I'm not letting you kick out your friends because of me." I reply, giving him a small smile that seems to take more energy than moving.

"It's okay, but I'll let him stay, then. Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked, memories instantly flooding my mind.

"It's nothing, I just panicked because I thought I was going to fail an exam." The lie rolls off of my tongue so smoothly, sounding believable even to me.

He lets out a sigh of relief as his gaze softens, before speaking. "Okay then. Sleep, you look tired." He tells me, and I waste no time letting my eyelids fall shut.

"Please stay with me." I whisper, before falling asleep in his arms.

I dream of peace, warmth and happiness when I close my eyes. I dream of the love that my family has for me and the same with my friends, and its all because I'm in vales arms. Because of him, I feel safe. All he had to do is hold me and all of the pain goes away.

Well, most of it...

Then the dream changes. It changes so much that it infact changes into a nightmare. The man's face appears in my head, and is enough to make me jolt up quickly.

Vale hushes me though, he hugs me and tells me that it's okay. That I'm okay. He reminds me that I'm safe, that I'm loved and that he loves me, but I still can't forget that horrible feeling. The pain that coarsed through my body as the man violated me without care.

He didn't care about the blood, he didn't care about my protests and begs, and he very clearly didn't care about the pain that he put me in. All he cared about, all he thought of was him and his pleasure. He only thought about himself.

He didn't care about what that might put me through, instead he revelled in the fact that I couldn't stop him. But the only thing that's truly hurting my soul, is that I didnt even try.

I didn't try to stop him, nor did I fight it. I did at first, but once he managed to pin me down, I gave up. I let him do that and for what? For my hurt? For him? Am I that much of a fucking people pleaser?!

And then I noticed it, the rage, the anger. I hadn't even realised. I had all of this anger, sadness and fear building up in me, and now I was ready to let it out. I only now have noticed the rage that I have within me, and it really doesn't look pretty.


Word count: 1183

Hey everyone, I know this was a sad chapter but I promise that lani will be happy again soon!!!

I'm also HATING on the asshole that hurt her rn. I mean, COME ON. WHY CANT YOU JUST BE FUCKING KIND TO HER. But then again, he is my character...

Also, qotd - who is your favourite side chapter so far??

Anyway, love you all!!!


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