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Song 1: daddy issues - the neighbourhood
Song 2: softcore - the neighbourhood.

The longer that I held her in my arms, the longer my heart ached for her. She had been through so much in the past week, and no on had noticed. Well, apart from me.

A lot of people think that I'm just a selfish asshole with no care for anyone,-which they're not entirely wrong about- but I know Alani more than anyone else. And I know for a fact that she is not a quiet, grumpy girl who sleeps through and ignores her teachers during class. Nor does she ever swear at me. She's never been upset or angry or frustrated with me, ever. It was just unlike her in every way possible, and I knew that something had happened.

See, Alani is the kindest, sweetest girl I've ever met. She is selfless on so many levels, and she always puts everyone before herself. So to see her react to me like that? I mean, yeah, I'm proud of her for having that confidence, but it's just not her.

I cant believe my poor angel went through that. How the fuck could someone put such an innocent and kind soul through that level of pain and trauma?!

Suddenly, I'm jolted out of my thoughts when I feel her stir, her head now resting against my chest and her arms tight around my waist. She's whimpering and muttering something, but I can't seem to hear her.

"Shhh. It's okay, princess. You're okay." I reassure her as I wrap my arms around her. I bring one of my hand up to the top of her head, weaving my fingers through her beautiful, dark curls.

And then she screams.

She screams and screams and screams and my ears are ringing with her echoing voice. She's terrified.

"Alani, it's okay. I'm here, sweetheart. I'm here. You're okay, you're okay." I tell her as she opens her eyes cautiously and slowly. Her blood red eyes shock me, and I pull her closer as she sobs, tears now streaming down her face like beautiful waterfalls, falling from the bottom of her chin and onto my chest.

"I- I thought..." she trails off, not bothering to finish her sentence as she looks down.

"Shh. It's okay. You don't have to tell me anything." I reassure her, pulling her impossibly closer to me. My arms are wrapped around her small body, not too tight, and yet still not loose.

"I just.. I-I had this d-dream. Well, nightmare. But that's not important. He was t-there, Damian. He was in it." She mumbles, fear written all over her face.

"I promise," I start, "that I will never, ever, let anyone hurt you again. You're safe now, because you're with me. And I will protect you with my life." I say, staring directly into her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes, in the most beautiful oceanic shade.

"Thankyou." She whispers and rests her head on my shoulder. I hear a sniffle and decide to chear her up.

"You know, I never thought you would ever be one to cry over a man. Especially one as pathetic as him." I tell her. "He does not deserve your tears, and you do not deserve them either. You do not deserve the pain that he has put you through." I say honestly. I move my hands up to her scalp when I watch a tear slipping from her eye, my fingers running soothingly over her head.

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