Chapter XXXV

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Yuna's POV~

"Hurry up," I said, handing over the ropes.

"Have somewhere to be?" They both asked.

"Kind of," I said.

"And what other business do you have?" Trevor asked.

"It's none of your concern right now," I said.

"Just tie her up already," Norma said, taking the ropes from Trevor.

"On it," he said, pressing one of my wrists against the headboard. He tied my wrists and proceeded to kiss me.


I arrived at the park and saw Brett and James in the distance. I went over to them, sitting next to James on the bench.

"Are you ready?" I asked Brett.

"I don't know about this," he said, fear in his voice.

"You'll be fine, how was the trip here?" I asked, looking at James.

"It was fine, but the sun is coming up should we leave, so he doesn't get burned?" James asked.

"No, no, we have to see if the ring works," I said.

"You don't know if this thing works?" Brett freaked.

"It's okay, the witch who spelled it is very talented," I said, trying to calm him down.

"That doesn't make it any better," he said.

"Let's just wait and see," I said, sitting back on the bench. As the sun rose, Brett got more worried.

"Maybe we should just leave," James said, looking at me.

"I agree with him," Brett said, starting to get up, but I super sped to him, making him sit down again. "This isn't fun, it's like we're playing roulette with my life," he said, pouting.

"It won't be long now," I said, going back to my seat.

"You're so mean," he said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"No I'm not, I just have a weird way of doing things," I said, crossing my legs.

"Yeah, I bet this training is going to be extra weird," he said, looking at the rising sun.

"No, not really, there's nothing special to make it weird," I said.

"You've got to be lying," he said.

"No," I said, watching the beautiful sunrise. The sun's rays hit the ground, and soon Brett.

"Hey, I'm not dead, I guess your witch ring really does work," he said, getting up to hug me.

"I told you it would, you just didn't believe me," I said, hugging him back.

"Thank you for this," he said.

"You're welcome," I said. He pulled out of the hug and went over to James who was on his phone.

"Aren't you happy for me?" Brett asked James.

"Yeah, I was just waiting for your little moment over there to be done," James said, shutting his phone off.

"You could've just joined the hug," Brett said, holding out his arms for another hug.

"I wanted to hug just you," he said, ramming his head into Brett's chest.

"Does this satisfy you then?" Brett asked, combing his fingers through James' hair.

"Yes, yes it does," James said.

"Can we get back to business now?" I asked.

"What's next?" Brett asked, breaking the hug.

"We practice your other abilities," I said, turning to leave.

"And what might those other abilities be?" He asked.

"You'll find out," I said, walking towards my apartment.

"Where are we going then?" He asked, following behind me.

"To my apartment," I said. We got to the apartment. I went to my room and opened the mini-fridge. I pulled out a blood bag.

"What are you going to do with that?" James asked.

"Relax, I need a drink before we do the next training session," I said, drinking the blood.

"Do I get any?" Brett asked.

"Do you think you can control it?" I asked.

"Maybe," he said, smiling.

"Let him have it, I'll watch him," James said, holding out his hand.

"Okay, but if it gets out of control I have no hope for you," I said, handing over the blood bag. James took it and gave the blood bag to Brett. Brett drank the blood, making a mess all over the floor.

"I think you need to slow down," James said, rubbing his back.

"I'll give you guys some privacy," I said, getting up to leave.


James' POV~

"That sounds good," I said, watching Yuna leave to room.

"Sorry, I was just so hungry," Brett said, putting the blood bag down.

"It's okay, you just need to slow down and breathe," I said, still rubbing his back.

"I just feel like I'll lose control when I'm around you," he said, looking away from me.

"You won't," I said, holding out my arms for a hug. He gladly accepted my gesture and rushed into my arms.

"Do you really believe in me that much?" Brett asked, wrapping his arms around my body.

"Of course I do, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't," I said, letting him take in my warmth.

"What if one day I hurt you," he said, I could feel a tear on the fabric of my shirt.

"I don't think you could ever do that," I said, pulling away from him. I wiped the tears away, cupping his face.

"I wish this never happened," he said.

"You becoming a vampire?"


"This world is fucked up, at least you're still here and making it better every second."

"Okay, I think we should resume my training now," he said, turning to leave.

"You're right," I said, following after him. We left the room, seeing Yuna at the dining table. She was sipping coffee. She looked up, smiling at us.

"Did you guys have a nice talk?" She asked, the smile not leaving her face.

"We did actually," Brett said, smiling over to me.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Yeah, what's next?" Brett asked, taking a seat at the dining table.



Word Count: 891

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