Prologue (part 2)

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What is a God?  It's strange we don't usually think about it, and when we do we are so... Human, with them. Death, life, nature, law; We place so much thought in what we, humanity, want. What could a God want? We think they'd desire pleasure, joy, happiness; Unless one deity Gods want, desire, and seek. But what would a God gain? Love? There is likely a god of such. Power? Why care, when you're an ultimate creature. Worship? Is it not justice, or right, to do that to a being that made and continues to keep all that exists? Enanthema to gods is mortal ideas, the Greeks wrote of the world and their gods as if they held mortal's fears, as if they could die. Now, I must say I wish I knew what gods want... If I did, I might be able to know why I am here.

[An Hagh], or the God of Souls, sat in front of me. It had spoken to me, and it acknowledged my name. I should be stunned, shocked, mortified... I felt surprisingly at peace, however. I guess looking into your life, seeing everything connected, makes you realize how death, even unexpected, can help someone... I just wish I remembered my past, as it became so muddled in others it is hard. [An Hagh] stared at me, its gaze void like. I knew it didn't want to hurt me, but I didn't know of why I was brought here.

Ah, I realized I was now able to properly see. Strange, I hadn't... "Seen" since I came here, just felt. I realize, now, that seeing is so much more... Exhausting. My head, which I have once more, is in pain from all the light. Pastel shades, shadows even, it all hurt as I processed them. As if it wasn't supposed to be seen. As I looked upon [An Hagh] it became hard to describe, it was a God, I just knew. Seeing it in all its glory was so insensibly gratifying, so wrong to see it that it was all I wanted to do. Its being was of a body, androgynous in form. Dressed in, what seemed to be, ancient East Asian garb. The body seemed to lower and out of the room we sat in, creatures of enigmatic appearance flowed in concert with one another further past. While I say I see all this, it's hard to truly say that is what the God of Souls is. It spoke, then, and what my ears heard I could not describe. Like grating on chalk boards with untuned violas, mixed in unharmonious screeching of wildcats being put to slaughter. My ears, I thought, must have been bleeding from the cacophonous sounds. I wish I was still unembodied, so much energy...

 I felt, then, my body reshaped and assisted to better hear and see [An Hagh], The God of Souls... That's to say, not at all. It then, once more, spoke. The words now felt clean, crisp, and clear. The tone warm and tender, and felt as warm as the sun, I saw it contain me and it was part of me now. Last time I had been so observed of myself I did not yet feel this, but with this I knew I was to be at peace.

"You mortals," [An Hagh] began, "Are always the most fragile things. Sight, sound, and touch are all so very necessary to live, and yet to see Gods and to hear us is to be unheard of again. Now then, Alex, let's discuss why you're here. Your soul was bargained in a game of the gods." 

Shocked to say the least, I would think a wager of such scale would be of heroes, much less a mortal as myself. as I wanted to speak, the God waved a sleeve, as it did I noted no hands or arms hung from in it, and continued speaking,

"Yes, mortals often think so. While true you were nothing exceptional, that is why we made our wager. Your life was to be made in free will and conscious with not a gods touch, a rarity of life you see. Your death, and life, was all a matter of entertainment. As we have yet not touched your soul it was surprising, some of the gods might say, that you yet lived so long. Death, and his cohorts, it seemed, were not as keen as others to win the pot."

As [An Hagh] spoke I contemplated what Gods, true, tangible Gods might bet. As if reading me, what I was and what my contemplations might be, it said,

"Please, mortal one, if we Gods had nothing to bet what fun might there be?" With a laugh that felt as coming from all sides, enveloping me in joy and merriment, the God of Souls dodged my query. I just nodded, as Gods likely played with chips we could never dream of. The God, then, returned to the matter at hand,

"While we, as Gods, may see this as a game we do understand mortal plight. It may come as surprise but we are not as flippant and uncaring as mortals often say. We simply must keep order, balance in life. Worse may come if not done right. Whether worshiped or not, we still answer. This is to say, as you were the game to us we thought a fitting reward for such a soul. I, as moderator, am now here to give you such. Congratulations, Alex, you're being reincarnated."

I stared in awe, the God not only spoke of matters I wished to know, but even of an anomaly I never thought possible. A gift from the Gods. I looked to my hands, which shook with fear, excitement, and giddy glee. I looked back to [An Hagh], and planned to speak, but as before the God cut me off,

"No need for thanks, mortal. We are simply resetting the balance. Now, your questions: What are the rules? Simple, a world we pick, the body we pick; What will be given that is different from my past life? Magic, wealth, power, all a mortal could desire at your finger tips; What does this cost me? Well, mortal, that is a secret you will learn when you join the world; Can I refuse? Yes. Yes you can, Mortal. Your soul shall be wiped, placed back into the web of souls to be sent off to another body in another time. We are Gods, not monsters."

As it spoke I stared in realization. I was an open book, it never occurred to me how truly God like [An Hagh] was, but it finally set in... I couldn't say it scared me, however. As it had said, "We are Gods, not monsters." I sat there, taking it all in. I looked out the doors of this room, the skies pale blue, snow fell but didn't stick. The world around me was so peaceful, yet I was making my greatest choice. Who'd believe the first thing someone claiming to be a god says? Offering power, wealth, status, all that and more at a cost you weren't told. It felt all too good, but... If it truly was a being of malice I doubted I'd still be here. Speaking with it. I looked at the God of Souls, and it nodded. It knew what I wanted. I took a step out, and began to ponder things. I was already dead, so I had all the time in the world.

What is one to say when a God tells you you're to be given a gift beyond any you could ever dream? Yes? It felt like what must be done, yet... I was hesitant. Call me a coward, but fear is what kept me alive so long. And, I suppose, made my life so much more fun as a game. I looked upon the mountains, stretched far into the sky; The valleys, that sunk deep in the earth. What god lives in such a realm? I mused on the facets I'd see: Childish, yet formal; Terrifying, yet kind; Unfathomable, yet mortal in thought. I knew, as my soul so filled me, that it was a god... But... How does one trust that which is beyond you? 

I felt myself spiral into this question, asking it over and over. It must be a god, yet how can I trust this feeling? I sighed, and as I set my resolve, [An Hagh] appeared at my side, resting a... Hand? Upon my shoulder, it spoke as so many times before,

"Mortal, it is time. You've agreed to our terms, and we shall bless you. When you awake you shall be a newborn, to see the world from start to finish. Let us hope you can change the fate of the world, it'd be a shame to let our gifts to waste."

Looking at [An Hagh] I nodded, before asking, "Is it right?" I felt ashamed, so very ashamed. Taking such a bargain meant I was denying another that possible position. The god shook its head, feminine now as the world seemed to pull towards a new world, "Never. Balance, dear mortal, must be maintained. Our gift is but your memories, truly. Now then, Mortal, I see that it has begun. Pray, dearest mortal, and we shall answer. Till you awake from the malaise, blessings of the divine upon you."

With that I was pulled, wrenched from where I was. My mind wandered as I thought of the phrase. With a chuckle I closed my eyes, though it meant nothing. I felt the light, the void, all of it fade. Once more in unending nothing... Strange, I felt warm... Must... Be... The rebirth...

[An Hagh] spoke to another, shadowed god. Jovial in its tone, as the God of Souls reclined in a chair,

"Are you going to tell me the world this mortal is supposed to be in, or leave me in suspense? You always speak well of mortal talent, yet never of your goals." "SHHHHHHH!" The Shadowed God hushed the God of Souls. The Shadowed God had a form similar to a human, feminine in similarity to the God of Souls; Pressing away at some controller a girl of silver and purple is the enshrouded god. 

With a jubilant shout the enshrouded god pointed to what it had been attempting to share, "THIS! This, this game! How I loath its ending... Can you believe it?! They made a game, put great mechanics and story, and you can romance most any character... AND YET YOU CANNOT SAVE THE VILLANESS?!" An enraged voice rang out, the enshrouded god threw her controller,  "Mortals are the cruelest, vilest, most evil things! Hah... If you send that Soul into the world, damn it... I'll even pay you the pot."

With a grin the God of Souls nodded, "Why I thought you'd never share that." The God of Souls chuckled, "Well I've nothing better. I'll see to it that it is so."

*___End Prologue___*

I hope you enjoyed the story so far! I will be working on chapter 1 in a bit, but I felt the prologue should be finished before I really get into story and world building. As always, thanks for reading this, and taking your time to enjoy a story with me. 

If you have any critiques, make sure to give them freely! It helps me do my job better. Till we meet again!

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