Author's Notes 2 (Archived)

67 3 2

I hate life sometimes, and writing. Okay, so for some context, Christmas came around. Hard. My family decided to go on a trip, which included me, and as I've been writing I have been stuck on the next chapter. I couldn't end it, so now I can refresh myself. Go outside, meet family friends, and work while in hotels we were at. 

I didn't do that, I stared at my screen, sighed, and went to watch a video documentary (rather than reading any Yuri books, since I had banned myself from it until I finished chapter 6). I felt so bad about it, and spiraled into self-loathing about not completing it, sucks but it happens. So, now, rather than make up excuses, or not post at all, I'm asking for your help. The reader. I have a near-complete chapter, that meanders a lot, doesn't fit with how I want the story to go, and is mediocre. I also have a secondary idea, the key point being it is an idea. A POV shift, so instead of my chapter six that barely reaches 2000 words (in a way I like, of course. It is still at like, 2400+) I'd be writing something completely new. 

I wish I could do a poll or something, it'd make it easier, but with a lot of people reading I hope some will comment. If nothing else I made something, so I can't just keep saying, "People probably aren't reading my stuff anyway, they probably went on with their life." 

Have to keep up standards for myself or I'll never complete anything! Hehe, okay, enough about the yada yada. Thanks for understanding, at least, I hope I haven't disappointed you... With that said, I'll get to work on the ready-made thing, and maybe try to make it fit my pivot. Who knows, maybe it together will be a better idea?

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