Author's notes 1 (Archived)

117 4 1

You can blame me if it doesn't come out on time.
(It's gonna be a long one)

When I hit 3000+ words, no matter what state (excluding the pre-written stuff) I'm posting. I am sorry for any delay. I need to keep to my schedule for you all, and myself.

Big thanks to Tammy_12305 for following! 

(Funny coincidence they followed on this chapter's upload)

Howdy! Sphinx here, sorry for my delay in posting a chapter... Sadly I have been unable to work on chapter 6 due to health issues (just my pharmacy being far away) and Grammarly being unusable while on the hour-plus drive. So instead of the chapter, which is in the works don't worry, I'm giving all of you some notes on what I plan for the story's timeline to look like and then an excerpt from the chapter. I'll edit this chapter into chapter 6 when I'm done writing it all up, but if you're one of those who keeps up with this I bet you won't mind. I'll put all this down in the comments when it is all said and done, but till then, here is my timeline!

Chapters 1-10 are focused on year one and might hit past the ten-chapter mark but I think it will get stale (only so much a one-year-old and below can do till it just gets repetitive, and being unable to communicate only makes it worse).

Chapters 11-20 are focused on years five through six, keeping with the work ethics and testing of magic. Hopefully, I can explain some of the politics that the countries have, and then start bringing the love interests from the Otome game into our lady's life. By now I should have one of the few love interests for the young lady introduced and her lackeys will be learning from our lady, young as they are.

Chapters 21-30 We pull into meeting the heroine and her side of the story, how she meets the love interests from the game and catches their eye before fading back into semi-commoner life, and our lady attempting to change more of the story, will have the villainous growing up and her plans taking time but should be within the same time frame. 

After that, I've got nothing, and even this is a rough draft. I don't know if the flow of the story will hit the same, but who cares? If it fits, it fits. If it doesn't, I'll change it! 

Now, this part is just me blatantly giving y'all exposition when it should be in the story, but I can't help myself. I'm giving one of the nations who is in the Otome game, and will be revealed a bit later in the chapter 10 bubble:

The Alabaster Theocracy: Theocratic Aonocracy ( a country ruled by different religious blocks, usually of differing gods. Rulers are set by religious rituals.)

So this is one of the major faction nations, and yes will have worship for our gods. How? Well, I can't let all my secrets slip. If you have any questions, though, I am willing to answer any while I work on Chapter 6 - Magic's Shadow, you can probably guess what will happen in it if I've been careless. 

Okay! Now for the juice! The excerpt! It's italicized just because  ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶i̶n̶d̶e̶c̶i̶s̶i̶v̶e̶  I'm not sure it will stay the way it is exactly. Plus it makes a clear distinction between text and writing, hehe.

From her eyes, I see how weak I appear; my skin looks flaking, my eyes dim, my hair floating from some yet unknown static. My body looks like I hadn't eaten for days; My body, once healthy and plump, appears to have been crushed into a feeble form. I croak as I try to speak, but Mother shakes her head. She shushes me as she brushes my head. Her eyes shimmer with a violet light as she does, my body lolling as it relaxes.

"My child, relax." She laces her words with a silver ting; it crawls across the air and into my ears, touching my body before it tries to reach my soul. I shove it away, the touch cold like ice. The forces drag along me like shackles and hang like a shawl. 

Pretty cool, right? Well, even if you don't think so (in which case you are totally wrong) it was part of why I took (and continue to take) so long on chapter 6. I have a total of one thousand and twenty-six words just like that written up, but I had written it as an intro rather than a middle... But I liked my half-asleep 2 am. writing, and have been having to work around it for the past two weeks. Yeah, ya got that write, this was supposed to be chapter 5's intro! I just didn't think it fit well and there was no good transition point for this event, so that is what Chapter 6 is gonna be! Along with some attempts to use the Soul aspect of her vision more. I'm trying to pull her, Alex, more into using her abilities and pushing the limits. Trying to get it so she can see farther and the like, sadly I don't like time skips past a few weeks or months ( if it is REALLY boring life stuff that equates to "I woke up, ate, did some school, and then took a nap") so I hope I'm not being overly tiresome with that. I guess I'm rambling now, but it's my chapter notes, so negh!

Okay, that was rude. Sorry. Half asleep is fun but rambling is not. Yes, by the way, I am characterizing myself as childish, because I don't want the heavy stuff I put in my books to make people think I'm some mope. All that aside, hope you enjoy reading my story and HOPEFULLY, I can get Chapter 6 out tomorrow. 

okay, as always thanks for reading, leave any critiques in the comments since I do read them! And I really want to hear y'alls opinions on how my story is going, every bit of help to improve is appreciated!

With that said, till we meet again, 


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