Author's note 3 - AHHHHHHH

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Ahem... To anyone who read chapter 6, I am sorry for any confusion my dumb dumb brain may have caused. APPARENTLY, I had copy pasted chapter 7 into Chapter 6; if that context screwed anything up I am sorry. I'm really, really, really dumb. UHHHHHHH Yeah, that's about all, though I do find it more important (and important enough to post as an author's note). 

OH! Another thing, I'm using my profile conversations thingy! So I think I'll use that for more Author's notes in the future, along with a chapter based post. Makes things less messy, I think at least. Maybe I'm completely wrong? Who knows. I sure don't! Hehehe.

One final thing, I have a few questions of you guys! Seriously, I am constantly wanting more feedback from you guys. I love the fact so many of you vote for me when I post, and the week after so I want to do more for you guys! What can I do for the story that you guys will enjoy, is there any side information that you want to dig into, WHO WANTS TO KNOW IF CATS CAN TALK! Okay, okay, that was a bit dramatic; However I hope I proved my point. I have a lot of stuff I can share, or give vague statements about that will help me focus my ideas. 

Also, if you have anything you want to share with me, as ideas, TELL ME! I am always open to people giving ideas if they want too, not that I can guarantee anything, but I always love hearing ideas that I need too consider. 

Economics of a world that will literally revolve around a protagonist who can do obscene amounts of quests to get money. How does that effect the worlds understanding of money, where does the MC of the otome game get all their food? What is the wage of a warrior that (normally) wouldn't have any wage needed to be paid because it is a game world?

I love suggestions and questions like these, and I love answering them. 

I also love answering dumb questions (not necessarily based on intelligence or how smart it sounds, but more dumb as needlessly funny) such as: How frilly are Alex's (as of now that is our Villainess's name to be referred as) dresses? To which I answer, YES.

So on and so forth. I hope I can get y'all to ask, so I can try and provide! Also, too the kind person who asked about madness with constantly staying awake. I'm working on the explanation,

So sit tight! Anyway, thanks for reading, please leave any critiques or stuff and until we meet again-


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