Author's note 5 - Roadblock

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Ugh, sorry for any delays. I've been trying to write and get some appointments for personal health, but procrastination on one means I failed to work on another. I prioritized my health, as one might expect, but I feel I still should give something to show, but I've got nothing. - I wrote myself into a corner, I feel. It might just be my opinion but I don't know where to go.

I want to write something that you guys will enjoy but is internally coherent and I just don't know where to go. I have ideas, but they don't lead in from where I stand. Especially the age discrepancy, with how young the MC is I can't work in too much, and yes I understand I am the author and I could just change the ages with retcons or time skips, but I don't feel that is fair to you guys.

 I don't want to be on hiatus for long and I'm worried I won't figure anything out, so I want to ask if you guys want a POV shift that I can merge into a time skip and focus more on the MC of the Otome games and her life, or should I try to push through what I've got right now? This usually happens when I'm writing, and I've gotten past it before, but I feel disingenuous to not offer it to you guys, the readers, to at least understand why I'm taking so long. 

I am just rambling and stuff, I feel terrible for not having anything to at least post after two weeks out. I track each day, so don't think I don't know... 
I try to post on Saturday so that y'all can read it on a weekend, but I guess I'll offer up a Q&A again. It feels sloppy... Hah... I hope I can get past this, at all.

Thank you for your time, even if I feel like I squander it. Hope you have a wonderful week
Till I post again -


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