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In a room one person is ties to the chair and his mouth was also banned from tapes. He was struggling to open the ropes but no use. Suddenly room got open reveling two person, one come forward and free his mouth.
That person is non other than Jackson.

Jac - who the fuck are you, why do you tied me here, do you know today is my marriage my husband would be waiting for me. He said more like yelling.

?? - will you shut up you are so annoying and dont worry we came here you to free from this place. He sis while opening all the ropes. Without saying and noticing the evil smirk he run towards the door and how could even he noticed when both man wears masks on their faces.

?? - poor him  how could he think someone kidnapped him and also leave him that easily. He sis with a evil grin.

?? - leave it na baby now please give me kissi you didn't give me from morning. He said while wrapping his hand around his waist and pull him towards himself.

?? - what a bi polar husband I got. Sometimes ago you are behaving like a mafia and suddenly became a baby haa. He his while slapping his chest.

?? - why, he sis while whining. I am your husband give me some attention. He sis while nuzzling his face into his husband neck.

?? - ok I will give you alot of attention, first let's go home we have a drama  to enjoy. He sis while smriking.

?? - ye it will fun to see his husband with someone else.

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