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Hiii guys...

How are you.....

Let's start......

When jk place his hand on his pulse, he feel like his breath become normal, why because his moon pulse is moving means his moon is alive, god didn't take his moon from him...

Jk kept crying and saying thanks thnkss while kissing on Tae whole face,if you see him,he will look like some mad man. he doesn't know what to do then a man from Jungkook team
Come forward and shake him by shoulder , after that jk came out of gaze and look him like a innocent child.

Jk ( happy+insecure) see my baby is alive, he will be fine right.

Jk man - yes boss, young master will be fine, first we have to take him in hospital ( soft voice).

Jk - ( panic) ye.. yes, I ha..,have to take my moon hospital, ( he was continuously rocking tae like a baby). My baby will be fine, yes.
He ordered his man to bring a car, he stand up from his sitting position and take tae in koala style and run out of that place, his men also run behind him. He himself sit on car and place tae in his lap. He call someone.

Jk ( dark voice). - put more security around the hospital, in out everywhere, even on roads and call the best doctor of the country basically who operates hearts, fast.

He cut the call breathing heavily, he look down to see his baby was sleeping peacefully on his chest. He kiss his forehead with uttermost care.
Jk -( tears) be fine baby..

After 20 minutes they reach the most famous hospital of the country, whole hospital is secured with more than hundred of security guard, no one is allowed around operation theatre where tae is examined. Jungkook is lost, he is standing on tae operation door while looking at his moon face Countinously, he is blaming himself for this careless, if he was more attentive to his moon them, he will not in this condition.
It's not first time he is in this condition, it's like time and situation are repeating. When 4 years ago tae got kidnapp by same person then situation was like that now because of that same person he again in this situation.
At same time, nam, suga, jimin, j hope and jin came, they are all crying hard by not tae is the heart of all of them.namjoon stand behind jk and keep his hand on jk shoulder, he move behind to see namjoon is looking at him with moist eyes. Jk again start to cry, namjoon hug him tightly. Both are crying on each other shoulder, seeing jk like this even guards and the mon who work for them also are in tears, their cold boss looking like a child, they just wish that taehyung sir will be fine..

Suddenly taehyung operation door open take all person attention, doctor come out in hurry, when jk saw that doctor come he run in front of him and start to question him.

Jk - doctor how is my baby, how is my moon haa, please tell me, basically he was pleading to th m, doctor and nurse are hesitating to say something.
So namjoon handle the situation.
Nam - doctor please tell us is everything is ok or not.
Doctor ( little scared + professional).
Sir as you know he have a heart disease and the operation time was after two months but due to that much pressure and blood loss, he heart will stop working after two or three hours, so before he could finish his sentence , someone punched him hard he loose his balance but one person hold his neck tightly and pin him on the wall.
He jk listen this, his eyes got red, smoke start to come from his body,whole hospital become cold and jk he was looking like a devil you want just revenge.

Jk - ( yell) what you said haa, my baby will nit breath haa, he hold his collar tightly and was going to smash his head on wall but namjoon and suga hold him from behind tightly, he was trying to free himself, but after taking tae name he calm down and leave his collar, doctor slide down from walland trying to catch his breath....

Nam - jungkook calm down, right now we have to let him do operation. Tae life is important haa, he was try to soothe him.

After listening this jk become silent, and help doctor to stand up.
He join his hand and tell in cracked voice.
Please doctor, my husband life is in your hand, please,. Doctor also feel sympathy.

Doctor- i know but you have to sign the operation form and the success ratio is only 5%.
Jk become shocked but then he remember, once tae told him that even if there is o percentage chance of him being healthy, he should go for it.

Jk - ok doc..tor, you start the ope.r..atio..n ( crying).

Doctor again went in ot with their team and jk was just standing on operation door with lost eyes.
Jimin and jin went for prayers so his brother successful operation, suga and namjoon are there......

Sometimes things not always goes as we wish, destiny has its own plan. Let's see what destiny has written on their fate...
Separation or red threats connection....

If you guys like my work then don't forget to comment, yours comment inspire me to write....

Bye bye.
Take care.
Always be happy.
Love you.

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