truth of moon

405 21 2

Somewhere in London.

?? - boss taehyung is married to jeon jungkook.

In Korea.....

He spread his arms and that person came while running and hug him tightly and he also hug him back instantly and sniffed his favorite strawberry scent. His hands are roaming his all for back. After so many hours he hug his moon.

Both are just hugging without saying anything, after 10 minutes jungkook broke the hug and his eyes stuck on his moon face, who is looking like and angel. He started to swing his own body with him.

Jk - everything went as per the plan. I have all the money, diamond and property papers and that fucker has no idea by faking this marriage I married for real.
Now only one work is pending we will both do together and I did all this just for you for my love, my moon, my muffin, my bambi.

And i can do it as often I can. With that he swing him and held him tightly in his arms. Both faces are so close to each other.

?? - I love you my devil, my love for you is insane and beyond any limit. Do you remember what you said to me in our marriage night.

Jk - of course my price. I don't have that much dare to forget anything which is related to you.

Flash back of their wedding night.

Jk - there are many who love, but those who willing to die in love are very rare. Jeon taehyung, my beautiful husband, my moon, my bambi.

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