Chap 3

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Alexis' POV
I woke up the next morning very happy. I sat up in my king size bed and saw Adam asleep on the couch. I got out of bed and slipped on my light purple silk robe over my white spaghetti tank top and booty shorts. I also put on my slippers and tied the robe together. I walked to the couch to wake up Adam.
"Adam?" I asked, shaking him a little. "Adam, hey." He opened his eyes to look at me. "Hey."
"Hi," Adam smiled as he sat up. "What time is it?"
"Eight in the morning," I smiled. "Come on. It's time to get ready. Breakfast is served in an hour."
"Oh, good," Adam nodded as he stood up and stretch. "Bathroom?"
"Out my door, make a right, and it's the third door on your left," I nodded. "I had my security get your clothes from your hotel last night so your stuff is at the foot of my bed. But we will have you moved to a different room later."
"Thank you for all of this," Adam smiled. "You didn't have to."
"I wasn't going to let you walk all the way back to your hotel in the middle of the night," I said stopping at my bathroom door. "Mind as well stay at my place from now on. It's better than a five star hotel."
"Thanks," Adam nodded. I took a shower and got dressed in a black dress and black leather stilettos. I walked downstairs to the dining room and sat down at my spot at the table. I could feel the tension between Bailey and Adam. "You look nice today."
"Thank you," I smiled. "I have something to attend to at work." I put my phone down on the table and started eating. "Bailey, you went with an all Batman theme today. What's that all about?"
"Jayk and I planned out this morning," Bailey smiled finishing her breakfast. "We are going back to his place to have a Batman movie marathon."
"That's awesome," I smiled. My phone started vibrating. I picked up my phone and one at it. I took a sip of my orange juice and picked up. "Inthavong."
"Hurry up and get to work," Daniel stated. "The worth day hasn't even started yet and the DA is already on your ass."
"DA Alex Cabott?" I asked.
"The only DA we have," Daniel replied. "Just get your ass to work."
"I'm on my way out the door," I sighed as I stood up. "Don't get involved in a life with the precinct."
"You have to go in today?" Bailey asked.
I nodded as I drank my orange juice. "Apparently the DA woke up on the wrong side of her bed this morning," I sighed. "Adam, need me to drop you of somewhere?" He nodded. "Then you're going to work with me because I'm not leaving you here. Let's go." We got into my car and I drove us to the precinct. Adam followed me inside. "I'm here."
"Would you explain to me why you're late?" Alex asked.
"According to the clock, I'm fifteen minutes early," I replied. "My shift doesn't start till ten."
"Well, you have a rape case victim," Alex said handing me a case file. "And you need to change."
"I was not suppose to be at work today," I stated. "I'm not changing because I'm not doing this case." I looked at Alex. "If you know me, then you know I don't deal with rape cases."

Bailey's POV
Jayk picked me up and we went back to his place. "You have a lot of snapbacks," I replied looked at his walks that were filled with the snapbacks he had hung up. "Do you need a different room just for your shoes?"
"That's Drew," Jayk smiled. "I have a closet just for more snapbacks though because they can't all fit on my wall."
"Yeah," I nodded. "I see that." We got into his bed and started watching the movie marathon on his laptop. I cuddled into him as he put his arm around me. "Jayk, are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Jayk nodded as he kept his gaze on the movie.
"Jayk, I know something is wrong," I said as I paused the movie. "Wanna tell me what it is?"
"It's just you abruptly ended our call last night," Jayk sighed as he looked at me. "Is something going on at home that I should know about?"
"Nothing is going on between Alexis and I," I nodded. "It's just the house had gotten a little too crowded."
"You live in a house with seven bedrooms and seven and a half baths," Jayk replied. "If it helps any, my place is crowded."
"Let me put out in a way you'll understand," I sighed as Jayk nodded. "Adam, one of Alexis' friends had moved in with us since last night. The guy is from Sweden and she just now meeting him for the first time."
"I still don't understand why that ended our call," Jayk replied.
"Alexis and Adam are dating," I responded. "They're together. She asked him to move in last night." I looked at Jayk. "So, do you see where I'm getting at now?"
"Blake is not going to be very happy about that," Jayk sighed. "Why didn't you stop her?"
"You think she was going to listen to me?" I asked. "I couldn't even snap her out of her thoughts last night while he was serenading her." I nodded. "I'm just going to have to accept the fact that her and Adam are a thing."
"And get along with him," Jayk nodded. "In the mean time, what do we do with Blake?"
"We don't tell him anything," I sighed. "That's up to Alexis and when she wants to tell him.
"Blake's going to find this put sooner or later," Jayk added. "We have to tell him."
"Jayk, I respect Alexis and I don't approve of Adam but its her love life," I pointed at Jayk. "She'll tell Blake when she's ready to tell him and that's not right now, apparently."
"Then you might wanna warn, Alexis," Jayk sighed as we heard a car leave. "Because he's going to see her at the PD."
"What exactly is Blake going to do?" I asked. I pulled Jayk in by grabbing his shirt. "Jayk, tell me what Blake is planning to do with Alexis right now or you'll be icing a black eye later."

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